& # 39; & # 39; I'm done again. The seventh was not enough for me. Now … & # 39; & # 39;


  Francesca Cipriani:

Francesca Cipriani: "I have redone myself.The seventh was not enough for me.Now …" (Instagram photo)

ROME – "I have had to remove some cysts in my chest, "says [App di Blitzquotidiano, gratis, clicca qui,- Ladyblitz clicca qui –Cronaca Oggi, App on Google Play] Francesca Cipriani to the weekly" DiPiù "," but when I worked I took the opportunity to further enlarge the rim of the window.I know it sounds strange, which may seem far-fetched to a lot … I already had the seventh … but if I look in the mirror, I do not want it anymore. "[19659005] How to blame her: the important thing is like them. "I have always wanted to be an increase and this is not the first time I 've intervened on my body," he recalls of the former competitor' s. Famous Island, "I already know what he wants to tell me: Francesca, not sure and there are no limits." It can be, indeed it's possible -be just like that, but do not you see what a beautiful chest ?! "

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