5 anti-afa foods to eat in summer


  Anti-Afa Foods "title =" Anti-Afa Foods "atomik-pl =" atomik / d5ue4oggwxy8i15uhrgbwpu6m "/> 
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With the the summer is easy to feel weak, the heat is sometimes unbearable, but we can bear with some anti heat food

summer arrived bringing over high temperatures some difficulties related to excessive heat Many people suffer from heat and they simply can not live with it, for this reason, to fight it, you must have a proper diet but you have to remember that it does not mean little food To stay healthy, you have to take the right daily calories and drink a lot, especially during the summer, but some foods make up the summer diet, help fight heat and for this they call ci bi anti-afa

Anti-afa foods

Fruits and vegetables

The first subject to favor is water so rich foods in water are preferable mineral salts . Fruits and Vegetables are the first anti-afa foods to be included in a proper diet. The best choice is apricots watermelon melon mango the eggplants the courgette i cucumbers celery i tomatoes .

Eating these vegetables means giving the body greater hydration especially when it is eaten gross, In fact, cooking vegetables means making sure that the Water and nutrients are dispersed.


With heat the body tends to lose fluids for this reason it is necessary to reinstate them while drinking a lot . At least 2 liters of water a day are recommended, distributed throughout the day. One way to make the habit of drinking more is to always keep a bottle on hand and drink the amount of glbad at least every hour.

Avoid too cold drinks

Very often, it happens that, with the high temperatures, we are caught in the temptation to drink frozen drinks . Something is wrong because they act as vasoconstrictors and therefore retain the heat instead of cooling it as expected. It is therefore necessary to avoid the intake of unnecessary calories that give the body more work like alcohol and soft drinks . In fact, overloading the body with these beverages, hampers the process of heat dispersal .

The anti-afa foods indicated in this case are smoothies centrifuged ] fruit salads and yogurt .


The gelato is a thirst quenching food and it is not heavy for the body .

It is therefore appropriate for the summer season. But we must not make it a habit, because it is also a food full of sugars.

I fruit pops with yogurt are anti-afa ideal foods because refreshing and low calorie. The yogurt must be white and lean and must be combined with sweet fruits rich in water as strawberries and melon


Avoid the spices and ] excessive condiments because difficult to digest with heat. One of the ideal anti-afa foods is cold pasta with freshly cooked vegetables . Alternatively bruschette with tomato and a net of extra virgin olive oil .
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