7,000 deaths per year due to hospital infection, twice the number of road accidents: "Silent slaughter"


Every year in our country, about seven thousand people die because of nosocomial infections : twice as much as for road accidents. Doctors and industry experts gave warning at the national forum promoted by Centro Studi Mediterranea Europa in Naples: among the main causes incorrect decontamination and excessive use of antibiotics .

Dying of hospital infections

The record of infections after surgery held Valle d'Aosta with 500 cases per 100,000 fired. Follow Liguria with 454 and Emilia-Romagna with 416. Spaced a little Lombardy, Veneto, Umbria and Trento that count on 300, more cases less case. In Lazio, he touched the roof of 211 while in all the South, only Calabria exceeds 200. The most virtuous is that of Abruzzo with only 70 infections. According to the "2016 Report on Antibiotic Resistance and the Use of Antibiotics Detected in Campania Hospitals", about 50,000 cases of infections caused by 22% of Escherichia Coli are registered in hospitals 12.5% ​​by Staphylococcus Aureus and 9% by Klebsiella Pneumoniae. The services where infection is the easiest are intensive care (20.60% of cases), medicine (15.33%) and surgery (14.20%).

"The phenomenon is extremely worrying"

"The phenomenon is extremely worrying – said Mbadimo Clementi, dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of San Raffaele University in Milan, who performed a Lectio Magistralis – It is necessary to understand what are the reasons for this increase, and implement all policies A very important modality is that of environmental decontamination, Clementi stressed, followed by a timely microbiological intervention. "[19659006] Entering the hospital can make you sick: the "super bacteria" are scary

"Infections related to" Help (ICA) ", now represents the one of the most thorny problems of global health – said Neapolitan infectivologist Cardarelli hospital, Alessandro Perrella – In Italy, most ICA are due to bacterial species with antibiotic resistance. However, about 50% of ICAs are largely predictable and therefore preventable, thanks to a series of professional behaviors defined as "safe". The correct control of these factors requires the implementation of all necessary corrections. "


" It is more tolerable for people to be admitted to a health facility for treatment, and to go out with a more serious pathology than that for which they spoke to the doctors, "said Michela Rostan, vice chair of the newly elected Health Committee of the newly elected House of Representatives, in a peremptory comment:" Our country can not bear seven thousand year victims – he said – because in our facilities do not pay the necessary attention to disinfection and decontamination. I will be presenting this delicate subject to the Commission in the coming days and I will propose the immediate adoption of extraordinary measures to reduce the number of people infected below the minimum threshold acceptable in a country like ours. "they already exist." The state-of-the-art technologies and some of the best practices in Italy in prevention of IO should be taken as a model – concludes Rostan – For example, the experiences of the Aosta hospital and those some private hospitals. Lombardy reduces pathogens below the threshold of danger while developing a microbial load control system in confined environments capable of monitoring any outbreak. "

Concern for Antibiotic Resistance

Next to the theme of decontamination another factor of concern is that of the anti-biotic-resistance of many bacterial forms such as stressed regional counselor Michele Schiano of Visconti, who is also a surgeon "a broadcast that must be monitored constantly, especially at the hospital, where it is responsible for complications that can lead to death", In addition to spreading a culture of conscious and responsible antibiotic use, we also need to change decontamination and disinfection systems that can secure workplaces from hospital sites. "

Effects Hospital infections and patient health also affect taxpayers' pockets. "A silent slaughter on which the spotlights are barely lit and the motives are easy to understand.It is a problem that affects about half a million people in our country – stresses Gaspare Saturno, number one of the Mediterranean Studies Center Europe – Of these, a percentage between 5% and 17% of hospitalized patients contract an infection and for 3% of them the course is lethal.These are figures that must necessarily be reduced if we want to talk about a national health care service worthy of the name and tradition that Italy boasts in this sector worldwide ". A phenomenon for too long underestimated that has very serious repercussions on public finances

Alarm of super bacteria: ineffective antibiotics, medicine is likely to go back to the Middle Ages

In his report, Professor Roberto Lombardi of invisible technology innovation department pointed out, extrapolating the content of a study by Ceis of the University of Tor Vergata, the impact of the adoption of good practice, targeted research and the & impact & et et et et technological innovation in terms of decontamination and disinfection of public expenditure, implementing the current sectoral legislation. According to the study mentioned for each hospital infection smoked between 9 thousand and 10 thousand euros. The cost of litigation for IMs, about 4 every thousand beds, is equal to about 4% of the total cost of public health claims and involves an average total compensation of 8 million euros year . It is also pointed out that proper disinfection, as indicated by European technical standards, an increase in application studies in order to take advantage of innovative technologies, can end this waste and ensure safe management even for the obvious problem of increasing antibiotic resistance.

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