8 stars hit by the "Disney curse"


  selena half-miley from small Disney stars who had problems with drugs, alcohol and more

What do they have in common Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus and Zac Efron ? Everyone has found success through Disney movies or TV shows and at the same time, they have had big problems in their private lives. Someone called "Disney Curse" and seems to be hitting the stars that are finding popularity as children, thanks to the products of the famous American colossus. Many actors and singers launched by Disney then had to fight with their demons once they grew up. Here is a list of 8 artists who have had problems with drugs, alcohol and so much more!

Half Lovato

  Half Lovato da Bambina

Half Lovato, Clbad 1992, began reciting daughter, at the age of 7, in the TV series Barney & Friends . The success, however, came a little over a little girl, at age 15, thanks to the movie Disney Camp Rock TV where she played alongside the Jonas Brothers. Immediately after she was hired for another major television series, Sonny among the Stars . Along with his popularity, Lovato approached – not even eighteen – drugs and alcohol. In those years, the artist also suffered from bipolarity and bulimia. All of these problems prompted Demi to ask for help: when she reached the age of majority, she went into a rehab where she remained completely clean. For six years she was kept out of any form of addiction, but between 2017 and 2018 she was a victim of alcohol. A tour that nobody expected and that Demi told in the touching song Sober .

Miley Cyrus

  miley cyrus being a child

Miley Cyrus, clbad 1992, found success thanks to the character of Hannah Montana in the television series of the same name on Disney Channel . In reality, she is a girl of the art: her father is the country singer Billy Ray Cyrus. After the end of the series, now at the height of its success, Miley was a victim of alcohol and drugs. Plus, she's been left to go to many provocations, mostly spicy, that even have her pushing to let her boyfriend Liam Hemsworth at a step from her wedding. Today Cyrus is back to normal and has reestablished relations with the former Australian boyfriend, brother of the most famous Chris.

Selena Gomez

  selena gomez as a child

Clbad 1992, Selena Gomez began acting as a child. His debut took place in the television series Barney & Friends, right next to Demi Lovato, with whom he established a deep friendship. Just like Demi, Selena also found his popularity a few years later with a Disney series : Wizards & # 39; Wizards . With the production company, she also sang different soundtracks and over time she became an established singer and actress. However, his personal life was painful and turbulent. Gomez has been hospitalized in rehab for addiction to alcohol, drugs and social networks. "As soon as the person with the most followers became like crazy, it had become exhausting for me, it was an addiction, the first thought the morning, the last in the evening. always felt very bad when I was looking at Instagram, which is why I disappeared for a while ", told the artist. This one, once detoxified, had to cope with lupus (with a kidney transplant) and at the end of the tormented love story with Justin Bieber

Zac Efron [19659015] zac efron before and after "width =" 370 "height =" 278 "srcset =" https://www.gossipetv.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/zac -efron-da-piccolo-300×225.jpg 300w, https://www.gossipetv.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/zac-efron-da-piccolo.jpg 640w "sizes =" (max-width : 370px) 100vw, 370px "/>

Zac Efron, born in 1987, became an idol of teens with High School Music the great success of Disney in the early 2000s. Actor also found love: he fell in love with the colleague from the set Vanessa Hudges with whom, however, the relationship lasted only five years. Pure Zac had problems with drugs and alcohol.In 2013, he revealed that he had frequent a rehab center for a period of time to treat addiction, having completely lost control. Today, the performer is "clean" and determined more than ever to make a career in Hollywood. " There was a time when my morning routine only had two things: get up and go looking for news about me on Google." I realized that seeing you through the pictures of others did not make me feel like I was there. was not really alive, I was not myself anymore, now I found balance and I took over the reins of my life: going beyond the line of fear is what that brings you to greatness ", tells Elle Magazine

Britney Spears

  Britney Spears as a Child

Britney Spears, born in 1981, was one of the first stars launched by Disney. At the age of ten, he took part in Mickey Mouse Club with other children who became celebrities today: Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera , Ryan Gosling, Keri Russell . At the age of 16, he gained worldwide fame through the success of the hit Baby once again. A few years later, Britney was a victim of alcohol and drugs and for a time she attended a rehabilitation center. Not to mention the sentimental headshots: in 2004, she was married in Las Vegas with her best friend Jason Alexander and then canceled the wedding 55 hours later. Today, Spears stays away from excesses and focuses on his private and professional life. She is a caring mother with her sons Jayden and James, who had former dance partner Kevin Federline, and returned to singing and concerts around the world.

Mischa Barton

  mischa barton before and today

Before becoming famous with the role of Marissa Cooper in The OC Mischa Barton – born 1986 – a worked as a teenager in the film Disney Vicky and the Dolphins . In fact, the actress started acting like a child while she was only nine years old. Among the many films in which he participated, there is also the famous Nothing Hill, with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. After gaining popularity, Mischa began to have problems with alcohol and drugs. She was arrested for driving while she was drunk with an expired license and possession of marijuana. Immediately afterwards, she was admitted to a psychiatric hospital because she defined "a danger to herself and to those who supported her" . Not to mention that, because of the addiction to alcohol and drugs, Mischa eventually went bankrupt and could not finish paying the mortgage on his house in Beverly Hills. In January 2017, Barton says that she was drugged and raped without her knowledge during her birthday celebrations

Orlando Brown

  brown brown grew up

Clbad 1987, Orlando Brown became popular thanks to Eddie's role in the television series Disney Channel Raven . Before that, he participated in another Disney series, Lizzie McGuire. But Brown's private life was rather tormented. He was also a victim of alcohol and drugs: in 2008, he was arrested for possession of marijuana while driving his car. In 2016, however, he was arrested for domestic violence against his girlfriend. In the spring of 2018, the actor was again handcuffed after attempting to escape charges of harbadment against him. It seems that this unlucky lifestyle prompted Raven Symone the protagonist of Raven, not to call Orlando Brown for the revival of the series, aired in 2017.

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