Two cases of dengue fever have been discovered. Way of disinfestation against the tiger mosquito – Chronicle


LIVORNO. Two cases of dengue in the city, with extraordinary disinfestations against tiger mosquitoes at the beginning today. A man and a woman, both from Livorno and both in their forties, returned from vacation abroad and discovered that they had been struck by a tropical infectious disease. At this time, after diagnosing dengue fever, the prevention department of Azienda USL Toscana northwest informed the municipal administration, with the mayor Filippo Nogarin who signed an order with which he instructed the Aamps to perform extraordinary disinfestations against mosquitoes in two areas of the city

Whereas this disease can spread through the bites of tiger mosquitoes, in these cases it is necessary to act mainly removing the foci with the larvae – through appropriate public and private treatments – in order to achieve maximum reduction of the insects themselves. The ordinance signed by the mayor actually provides for extraordinary disinfestations of specialized Aamp workers, with particular attention to the adjacent public parks and gardens at via delle Sorgenti (Cisternino area of ​​Pian di Rota) and via di Popogna (near via di Sant & Alò), the places where both patients stayed back from the trip abroad.The disinfestations – especially directed against adult mosquitoes – will be done today, before you 39 be repeated tomorrow and Monday for three consecutive nights (always before 'alba).

It will therefore be necessary for the inhabitants of the two zones concerned to keep the windows closed in these slots. From yesterday, however, during the day Aamps began to perform larviciding interventions – with removal of larval foci – even in the private areas of these areas. "Therefore, it will be essential – to know from Palazzo Civico – to allow label-recognizable access of disinfestation workers in the private areas concerned.After these two cases of dengue, follow-up and larviciding in the manholes of the affected roads will also be intensified ". "Citizens – adds the municipal administration – will have to follow the instructions of the workers

to the disinfestation activity to prevent homes can be reformed.In addition, they must clearly abide by the rules enacted each year to prevent the proliferation of mosquitoes during the summer, especially against the stagnation of water ".

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