The founder of m5s – The ultima di Grillo: "Two networks Rai on the market, one without advertising" Italy


  Beppe Grillo in a Roman hotel with Maurizio Fico and Virginia Raggi

Beppe Grillo in a Roman hotel with Maurizio Fico and Virginia Raggi

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" Rai Tre, Rai Due, Rai Uno : two will be put on the market and one without advertising". The window ajar, the face in the twilight and the megaphone to amplify the inimitable voice, Beppe Grillo launches his proclamation, which he knows so much about "the edict", on public television. He does this from the Hall of the Forum Hotel, where he stays in his Roman weekend and where in the afternoon he met the former President of Ecuador Rafael Correa . And a few days after the release of Luigi Di Maio on the "census of the Rai recommended", it raises a hot topic for the government pentaleghist, which has for now reported the node appointments Rai

"That said the "High" and be happy with that, thank you, "he says of Grillo, who was fired from Rai in the 1980s .The founder of the movement had already launched his idea of ​​the partial privatization of state television.And it is not the first to do it: Silvio Berlusconi did it at the time.But Grillo's words are meant to have a lot of other echoes, now that the Five Stars are in government and Di Maio has the telecommunication delegation.

Rai is meanwhile at the center of a tussle in the government, for the next appointments of the Board of Directors of Rai. voted on July 11 by the House and the Senate. But it is the figure of the general manager who is at the center of the attention of Lega and M5, since each of the two parties would like to appropriate it. "I launch a vigorous appeal to the entire parliamentary party: the policy remains outside the Rai appointments," finally giving a strong signal of change, "said House Speaker, the pentastellato Roberto Fico. Grillo's words seem destined to reopen this file

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