Sleep problems? Blood pressure and hypertension in women


  Sleep problems? Blood Pressure and Hypertension in Women

Let's start our article with a question: if sleep problems had more impact on women than on men? Scientific research has shown that lack of sleep would be the cause of the tension and of hypertension in women, we discover why.

Insomnia, what are the triggers? [19659004Lsinsomniasincetimeisconsideredtobeoneofthemostwidespreaddiseasesofanewage What are the triggering factors ? As you can very well imagine, talking about "insomnia" means opening a long series of chapters in order to understand which category to adapt to our symptoms and problems … In any case insomnia can be caused by factors, first among all, stress can be considered because of a possibly overly hectic life. Be careful, however, because the sleep problems it seems, can have different effects depending on the man and the woman.

Fatigue of Falling asleep

A research conducted by Columbia Irving University Medical Center published in the Journal of the American Heart Association showed how the Sleep problems can have different effects between men and women. It would seem that the female gender is showing the worst effects resulting from the absence of sleep. In such cases, we refer to the increase in blood pressure, therefore to nervous tension.

"Sleep Problems Can Trigger …"

To Talk About the Problem, [BrookeAggarwal1945-19007] Columbia Irving University Medical Center "This is disturbing because it has been demonstrated that sleep deprivation, but also the least problem of falling asleep, can have a disproportionate effect on women's cardiovascular health. – explains Aggrawal. Our results suggest that mild sleep problems can trigger inflammation of the vascular tissue, which contributes to cardiovascular health. The results of the ongoing clinical trial will confirm this. In the meantime, it would be prudent to monitor the pressure of women with sleep problems ".

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