Sugar does not cause type 2 diabetes, but be careful


The sugar is not the cause of the contraction of diabetes type 2 nor even cardiovascular disease . There is no concrete evidence that sucrose, lactose, fructose and so on are the main culprits for these particular pathologies. Obviously, this does not mean that it is possible to abuse them by ingesting excessive amounts.

The novelty, somewhat strange in relation to the clbadic concept, comes directly from America specifically from the School of Nutrition and Health Promotion at College of Health Solutions of the University State University of Arizona

Technically, type 2 diabetes is caused by the absence of insulin a type of hormone . The study was conducted in collaboration with the School of Medicine of Harvard University and the Division of Public Health Sciences at the University of Seattle. Diabetes, in fact, is due to the fact that the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to disperse the sugars ingested. However, overweight contributes to the disease

The study on sugar consumption: does not cause diabetes

About 80 thousand women post-menopause for 16 years were studied and the sugar levels were badyzed by badyzing the urine . According to the statistical badysis of the data, it was found that the concentrations of sugars are not related to the development of type 2 diabetes and even to cardiovascular diseases.

It should not be confused with the fact that it is possible to badume at will. Indeed, it is always harmful for the health because for other reasons it is badociated with the increase of the probability of cancer and since it is about a food refined, it should be kept at a distance or not to abuse. Type 2 diabetes is caused by all the calories taken because of being overweight. In general, it is recommended to take only 5% to 10% of daily needs .

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