L & # 39; insomnia. Those who suffer are at risk for type 2 diabetes


A new study concerns insomnia and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The work took into consideration about 79,000 people with pre-diabetes.

02 JUL (Reuters Health) – Confirmations are made that people with insomnia may be at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A recent study, presented at the annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association, which was held in Orlando, Florida pointed out that people with insomnia would be 28% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who do not suffer no insomnia. The research was conducted by Erin LeBlanc of the Kaiser Standing Center for Health Research in Portland, Oregon.

L & # 39; study. About 79,000 people with pre-diabetes were followed for four years on average. The 30% clbadified as "insomnia" were generally composed of elderly, overweight, women and former smokers; they also had low levels of HDL cholesterol and high levels of triglycerides compared to those who did not suffer from insomnia. During follow-up, 14,617 people, or 18%, developed type 2 diabetes. The risk remained similar even after taking into account the traditional risk factors for diabetes, such as low HDL cholesterol and high triglycerides. .

Source: Annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association

(Italian version Daily Health / Popular Science)

July 2, 2018
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