Weinstein: new indictment, risk of life imprisonment


A third woman accused of badual intercourse forced in 2006

A grand jury asked the prosecution for the former boss of Miramax


New indictment against Harvey Weinstein and this time the powerful former producer risks life imprisonment. The new troubles for the former boss of Miramax stem from a "forced bad act" from 2006 against a third woman who joins the two whose charges have already brought the former king of Hollywood in front of the magistrate. Manhattan Attorney Cyrus Vance announced that a grand jury had asked Weinstein's charge for a first-degree badual act

Manhattan lawyer Cyrus Vance announced that a grand jury had requested an adjournment of Weinstein's notice for "forced first-degree criminal badual act". Previous incriminations for forced badual acts committed in 2004 and 2013 involved sentences ranging from 10 years to life imprisonment. "The grand jury has now indicted Weinstein for some of the most serious violations of the New York Penal Code," said Vance. In the indictment, it is stated that the producer "forced the victim to an oral bad act" in July 2006. The name of the third wife, as in the first two cases, remained anonymous .

By a lawyer, Weinstein, who is 66 years old, said that he was alien to the new tests as in the previous cases, he had denied that badual relations with the accusers had been forced. "He expects it to be completely cleared," said his lawyer Ben Brafman. The producer handed over to the police in May. His next appointment for the formalization of the new charges was set for 9 July.

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