The heat wave in Italy, here's where and how to protect yourself, the news through the App


The Ministry of Health launches the campagnia on the heat wave in Italy " Estate sicura 2018 ". All information on the regions cultivated as a result of heat waves, advice and information for the population, guidelines for health and social services operators, the map of local active services are available on the website hot and now also via the application "Hot and health", free download on iOS and Android mobile devices, from the Apple store and the Play Store.

Safe Summer Campaign

  Heat Wave The #estatesicura campaign is part of the national plan to prevent the effects of heat on health. Epidemiological studies have shown a significant impact of heat waves on the health of the population, especially on the most vulnerable subgroups such as the elderly and people with chronic diseases. In addition, extreme temperatures can have health effects even for exposed workers, children and pregnant women.

Italy was among the first countries to adopt an intervention program in response to heat waves, destined to become ever more frequent and intense due to the climate changes already in place

heat wave in 34 cities

The Plan covers a total of 34 cities (regional capitals and cities of more than 200,000 inhabitants). In 27 cities, the system of forecasting and health alert badociated with heat waves is active from May 15 to September 15. Every day, city-specific bills are compiled, summarizing the level of health risk based on weather conditions at 24, 48 and 72 hours. The newsletters are published from Monday to Friday on the application, online and disseminated to the Regions, local health authorities, municipalities, civil protection for timely activation of interventions to the population most to risk.
In all 34 cities, a system for monitoring daily mortality, the results of which are published in a weekly bulletin.

At the local level, prevention plans are also defined, in particular for sensitive subgroups, to which interventions should be primarily targeted

App Hot and Sanitary

Promoting the dissemination of health information. information to the population and to health and social workers, as part of the National Operational Plan for prevention of the effects of heat on health, coordinated by the Ministry, was carried out by the Department of Epidemiology of the Health Service of Lazio Region – ASL Roma 1 and Health ".
The App makes available in particular:

  • the health risk levels in each city for the three days for which the forecast of heat waves is developed through a map and a graphic summary of easily readable bulletins from portable devices
  • prevention recommendations addressed to the population and x higher risk subgroups and links to download Guidelines, Brochures and Informative Materials
  • an interactive map of locally useful maps, services and numbers.

Helpful hints

Here are some tips on how to behave during the summer to protect yourself from the heat.

Do not go out during the hottest hours: during the days when there is a high risk, outdoor exposure between 11:00 and 18:00

Improvement of the domestic and professional environment: the measure the simpler is the protection of south and south-west facing windows with blinds and adjustable blinds (shutters, venetian blinds) that block the pbadage of light, but not that of air. The use of air conditioning is of course efficient, but it must be used with care, avoiding to regulate the temperature to levels too low compared to the outside temperature. A temperature between 25 and 27 ° C with low humidity is sufficient to ensure well-being and not to expose to sudden changes in temperature with respect to the outside. Mechanical fans should also be used with care. Accelerate the movement of the air, but do not lower the room temperature. This is why the body continues to sweat: so it is important to continue taking large amounts of fluids. When the internal temperature exceeds 32 ° C, the use of the fan is not recommended as it is not effective in combating the effects of heat.

Drink plenty of fluids: Drinking plenty of water and eating fresh fruit is an essential measure to counteract the effects of heat. Especially for the elderly, it is necessary to drink even if the thirst is not stimulated. However, there are particular health problems (such as epilepsy, heart disease, kidney or liver) for which excessive fluid intake is contraindicated. If you have an illness, you should consult your doctor before increasing fluid intake. You should consult your doctor even if you are following a treatment that limits fluid intake or promotes expulsion

Do not drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages.

Making Light Meals : Digestion is a real work for our body that increases the production of heat in the body.
Comfortable and light clothing, with clothing made of cotton, linen or natural fibers (avoid synthetic fibers). On the outside, it is useful to wear light and light hats to protect the head from the sun's rays

In cars, think about venting the badpit before starting a trip, even if the car is equipped with a ventilation system. In this case, set the temperature to approximately 5 degrees below the outside temperature, avoiding directing the air conditioning vents directly to the pbadengers. If you have to travel, avoid the hottest hours of the day (especially if the car is not air conditioned) and always keep a supply of water in the stain. Never leave babies, children or pets in the car, even for short periods.

Avoid exercising during the hottest hours of the day . In any case, if you are doing physical activity, you must drink plenty of fluids. For athletes, it may be necessary to compensate for the loss of electrolytes with supplements
To care for people at risk, visit at least twice a day and check that they do not present no symptoms of thermal disturbances. Control infants and young children more often
Give pets plenty of fresh water and leave them in a shady place.

Source: Department of Health

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