Obese, smokers and the inactive become elderly people in advance


  Obesity, smoking and inactive: this is how one gets older before the age

Obese, smokers and inactive: this is how one gets older before the age Age

LONDON – Older people before the age: Inactive, obese or elderly who smoke, once they get older, they may not be able to stand or recover from an illness. [App di Blitzquotidiano, gratis, clicca qui,- Ladyblitz clicca qui –Cronaca Oggi, App on Google Play] This is supported by a study by University College London, funded by the British Heart Foundation

High levels of interleukin 6 and C-reactive protein indicate a process inflammatory in the body and are signs not to be underestimated. Age: Indicates that over time, these will suffer from sudden weight loss, muscle weakness or low levels of activity, adds research.

In the case of stress or when one takes too much sugar, interleukin 6 and C-reactive proteins increase. According to Jeremy Pearson, health director of the British Heart Foundation, "entering the middle age, taking steps that will ensure good health will avoid experiencing an advanced age fragile".

Researchers at University College London examined 6,223 people over the age of 69 to determine the risk of frailty in the elderly. Walking speed, grip strength, weight loss, exhaustion and energy expenditure for exercise were evaluated. About 20 years ago, scientists took detailed notes on the same people who were between 45 and 55 at the time.

The results show that nearly 8% of obese over 50 years are frail, compared to 2.7% of those with normal weight, explains the Daily Mail . Inactive people are twice as likely to be frail in old age: 6.2% of those with a sedentary lifestyle will be physically weak, compared to 2.5 to 3.5% of those who are physically active. 39, physical activity. 19659004] But the news is not good even for those who enter middle age without a partner: being alone doubles the risk of physical frailty of the elderly compared to those who are married or cohabitate . About 5.5% of divorced, single or widowed, are at increased risk of chronic illness, disability and death

The principal author of the study, Professor Eric Brunner, stated : "These results are not surprising, we know that people who are married or in a relationship have better mental and physical health, they have support, and often the couple encourages each other to go to the gym or not too much. drink a glbad of wine. "

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