Chronic myeloid leukemia, Italy at more speed for "tailor-made" treatments


Rome, July 2nd. (AdnKronos Health) – Against Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Today, in our country, tailor-made treatments are possible to ensure the best and most effective treatments through an integrated support model, with an integrated approach. multidisciplinary ranging from hematologist to psychologist. […]

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Rome, July 2nd. (AdnKronos Health) – Against Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Today, in our country, tailor-made treatments are possible to ensure the best and most effective treatments through an integrated support model, with an integrated approach. multidisciplinary ranging from hematologist to psychologist. Optimal care, in short, but regional differences always significant. With the Regions, especially in the North, with more specialized centers and others (especially in the South) less equipped at the same time with tests of identification of the characteristics of the disease which make it possible to understand what is the good one. solution for everyone, more suitable among the 5 drugs available today
The best therapeutic management and badistance for this rare blood cancer is the theme of the conference "A new integrated model of treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia, including innovative solutions and system sustainability: a shared path between clinician and patient ", promoted by Incyte, today in Rome, in the presence of doctors, patients and patients. In Italy, there are about 1000 new cases of chronic myelogenous leukemia each year, for a total of about 20 000 patients who live with this disease, and often others. diagn ostics occur around the age of 60, especially in men. But the youngest are also included in the media.
"This is a tumor that did not break down until the 2000s – explained Felice Bombaci, chairman, group of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia Onlus – happily at the beginning of the year. In the year 2000, they arrived to target the drugs, effective and with fewer side effects, a revolution that allows today to offer each patient a personalized therapy.A thing that can be done, however, with a multidisciplinary approach, involving other specialists who help prevent and manage side effects by improving the quality of life.Fundamental, then, that the patient, already diagnosed, is monitored at 360 degrees. that it is possible homogeneously throughout the territory, it is essential that the regions actually implement hematological networks so that the patient can be supported by the regional center of excelle reference and managed in the territory monitoring.
Greater dissemination of tests, already available in many centers, is needed to identify the most appropriate drug for each patient. The "target" drugs that have revolutionized the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia are tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), now in the third generation. "In patients at high risk of progression – said Giuseppe Saglio, professor of internal medicine and hematology at the University of Turin and director of the division of hematology at the Mauritian hospital of Turin – even if treated with second-generation drugs, suggests that the disease is mutated, that the target proteins of the therapy are modified so as to prevent the action of the molecule itself. In these patients, the Third-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have been shown to be particularly effective and may be indicated directly directly in the second line of treatment. "
According to experts, the" made-to-measure "prescription must be made at the time of diagnosis, which should be as complete and comprehensive as possible. This not only improves the effectiveness of the therapy and the quality of life of the patient, but also improves the economic sustainability. "It is important and urgent – said Francesco Saverio Mennini, director of the Center for Economic Evaluation and Hta (Ceis) at the University of Rome Tor Vergata – develop a comprehensive model of" Cost of Disease "so to highlight what they are, to date, the costs (direct and indirect) incurred in Italy for chronic myeloid leukemia.But unfortunately, there are no studies on the cost of this disease in Italy. "
Unanimously the call of the experts, finally, for greater uniformity of treatment between all the centers, to make the opportunity of a more effective treatment for everyone's reach the patients. "Our company – concludes Giancarlo Parisi, general manager of Incyte in Italy – engages in hospital support projects for the adoption of the best molecular genetic diagnostic techniques and in training programs for hematologists and health personnel, all of which aim to ensure the best possible quality of care and support for the patient, to promote their active involvement in a conscious and personalized care pathway and to identify the most appropriate treatment regimen. appropriate. "

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