this anecdote has never told the beginnings of his career


Flavio Insinna and Fabrizio Frizzi: the context unveiled only now

In the margins of the presentation of the schedules Rai, Flavio Insinna exchanged a conversation with Davide Maggio to whom he entrusted a Fabrizio Frizzi still unknown to fans.

The former conductor of Affari tua was called amidst a thousand controversies to take the place of his friend and colleague disappeared a little over three months ago: his although the engagement is rather heavy and that rehabilitates all the image especially if one compares it to a giant of television loved forever, it will not be a walk

– Rita of the Church furious with the leader RAI, his truth about what was said: what he wrote

The intentions to do well , but there is just as there seems to be the desire of to pay homage to me The memory of Fabrizio Frizzi

Davide Maggio revealed that if it was not for his friend, can -being that his way on the small screen would not have been as rich in experiences:

career in entertainment – said Flavio Insinna – begins because of Fabrizio . We were at Grolle in Saint Vincent, we had never seen each other in person and it was the first big show that I had played as a protagonist, it was one in the morning and I had to be rewarded. "

Flavio Insinna e Fabrizio Frizzi, all started from this price

" At that time – says the Roman leader – he could give you the Grolla and tell you "Sorry my dear still a lot of" guests, so it's late, we have to go to dinner ". But as Fabrizio was a welcoming man, he made me play with him on stage, we played so well that the next morning he called me from my Rome agency and told me [[] Fla "you've done here all networks call you to do auditions for entertainment programs? "

Then he ponders:" If Fabrizio had given me the price saying "Hello darling, keep Grolla, thank you go", maybe we do not have to pay for it.

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