Thirst sleeps in front of the biorologio fault – Lombardy


Study of nature, the brain prevents nocturnal dehydration

(ANSA) – MILAN, JULY 3 – The thirst that comes just before
to go to sleep could be the "fault" of our watch
organic. Hypothesis it is a study published in Nature, e
reported by In a Bottle (, according to which "I
circadian rhythms would stimulate neurons in advance
thirst to avoid possible subsequent dehydration
researchers from McGill University in Montreal
they studied the suprachiasmatic nucleus in mice. And they have
because it stimulates this region of the brain to release
vasopressin, a neurotransmitter that maintains the
volume of blood. "Other research then established that
activates the neurons of thirst, inducing rats to hydrate
to sleep. "The biological clock, conclude the experts," is in
able to predict when sleep will start and push the
brain to prepare to avoid dehydration within hours


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