Aida Nizar dives into the fountain of Piazza Navona with the cry of "Adoro mi vida, Italy m" likes "


Aida Nizar lets us down. Voluntarily . If in June, it is not yet a month ago, she had plunged as Anita Ekberg in the Trevi Fountain in Rome she returns to the attack, or rather to the l 39; immersion, in the […] [1945-19003FontanadeiQuattroFiumisurPiazzaNavona. "I love to see me, Italy loves me", shouted all its incomprehensible joy the former Spanish competitor of Grande Fratello 15 wet from head to toe with water the precious fountain.

The evil is not over as the previous time. No policeman (ahinoi) was able to catch him in the act . So no fine of 450 euros as a month ago, when in the video of the bathroom of Nizar near the fountain of Salvi appeared a municipal agent with a verbal to sign . The personality of the 42-year-old television, well known in the country, has therefore decided to try to sneak into a silent Piazza Navona, but with more trick: the evening bath. After taking off his shoes, stepping over the protective railing, the Nizar jumped into the fountain wearing an evening gown.

It was then a user of Facebook, Lorenzo Farina to find the video and post it with a little annoyance on his Facebook page. Images then taken and relaunched by the website of the Messenger . "This video does not make me laugh a bit, actually," Farina wrote on her social page. "Our artistic legacy is not a scenic set at the mercy of a desperate poor looking for fame, no lords. (…) Apart from" I t ". likes, Italy "likes", Italy would send to prison ". High approval of Facebook users, but also many suspicious comments on the page of Farina who even had to defend himself. There are those who accused him of having shot the video and those who suggested that he was not in agreement with what He had done, Nirez could not "share the video". "The main difference between me and those who shared the video before me is this: I unfortunately do not pay anyone to write what I write here, so I'm free to say if we are str …. or less – concludes Farina – Watch the video anywhere with legends like "crazy aahahah" "no okay I love" made my stomach spin and I wanted to say mine (free not to read). "

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