"Also pollution among possible causes"


Research conducted by the School of Medicine at the University of Washington at St. Louis in collaboration with Veterans Affairs (VA), revealed that the pollution of the 39, air would intensify the danger of developing diabetes. This type of problem would have been found even in so-called "healthy" countries from the atmospheric point of view by the World Health Organization (WHO). Diabetes is a disease that has developed much more frequently in recent years. In fact, there are about 420 million people in the world who are affected, including only 30 million in the United States.

The results of the study

According to 2016 ISTAT data, people with diabetes in Italy is over 3 million.

The causes are actually multiple, including a bad diet and a poor lifestyle. For all of these causes mentioned above, air pollution would now be added. A research published in The Lancet Planetary Health confirmed the badumptions of some experts who, until now, had never been studied. Ziad Al-Aly first author of the study in question, revealed that the research carried out [VIDEO] in the last century was not accurate enough and sufficient and that the purpose of the latter study was precisely that of putting all the elements together to achieve remarkable results. According to researchers, diabetes can decline due to decreased air pollution

Dr. Al-Aly's words

Dr. Al-Aly reports that, according to the results of the study, there would be a strong badociation [VIDEO] between pollution and diabetes in the world.

There has also been an increased risk of developing diabetes in countries that are not severely contaminated. The data therefore show that the current maximum emission levels are still too high and should therefore be reviewed.

Apparently, pollution reduces insulin levels and causes inflammation. In this way, the body is not able to convert glucose into energy. In addition, researchers confirmed that diabetes linked to pollution levels is more prevalent in developing countries. According to Paolo Pozzilli head of endocrinology and diabetology at the University Polyclinic of the Bio-Medico Campus in Rome, the risk of diabetes is badociated not only with smog but also with low exercise and limited time

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  • https://scienze.fanpage.it/linquinamento-aumenta-il-rischio-diabete-cosi-riduce-la-produzione-di-insulina/
  • http://www.repubblica.it/salute/ medicine-and-research / 2018/07/02 / news / l_inquinamento_atmosferico_un_nuovo_studio_rivela_che_e_una_possibile_causa_del_diabete-200637956 /

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