"You can fly alone"


Some recent publications posted on Instagram by Elisa Isoardi fuel rumors that have been circulating for some time: the presenter would be in crisis with Matteo Salvini, and the couple could be about to break up.

The last message from Isoardi seems this sibylline meaning: "I learned that you can fly alone if there is no one who deserves your heaven". A quote from singer Gio Evan, which seems a clear allusion to the desire to continue to move away from the current Minister of Interior M5s-Lega government.

 isoardi salvini crisis

More presenter articles, published in recent days, seemed to go in the same direction: "The essence of the l & # 39; love is freedom. The freedom to be oneself. Freedom to make mistakes and get hurt. The freedom to break everything and start again, "wrote Isoardi

The couple do not appear together on a photo for several months, and already a year ago their relationship had ended in the eye of the Storm for an alleged betrayal by Isoardi, documented by the weekly Chi with some photos showing the presenter in Ibiza in the company of another man.

The last post on Instagram by Isoardi has not failed to provoke several comments from Users: "If it was a great love, you had to stay by his side … Especially now that he has a lot people against … Was it for a place in Rai? He is a good man and in my opinion also a handsome man … .. You got lost if you refer to him, "says one.

" Are you gone? ", Many others ask.

Isoardi and the Salvini Shirts

Last April, there was much talk of Elisa Isoardi for an article published on Instagram ] with the pictures that represent it in ironing men's shirts. [19659002] The post has been much discussed. Isoardi was criticized by some because these images would have supported the male-dominated conception of the woman who is loyal to her man

Among the reactions we note in particular an article on Facebook Sumaya Abdel Qader, councilor of the Democratic Party of Milan and the first Muslim elected in the municipal council of Milan.

Sumaya, 39, published a photo that shows him conveniently sitting on the couch at home and reading a book, while her husband, in the foreground, iron one of the reactions we note in particular a post on Facebook by Sumaya Abde l Qader, municipal councilor of the Democratic Party of Milan and first-person Muslims elected in the Milan city councilor

Sumaya, 39, published a photo that shows him conveniently sitting on the couch at home and read a book while in arito, in the foreground, knit a shirt and accompanied the message of the inscription "Isoardi takes notes".



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