? Breast cancer: informed to prevent


Tomorrow at the Sala Nova of Cosenza Province "Advanced bad cancer" on bad cancer: three real clinical cases will be examined

COSENZA – Breast cancer represents the main female oncological pathology in Europe moreover , the leading cause of death for women in Italy and around the world. However, the mortality rate in Italy has decreased thanks to scientific progress in this area. However, it is necessary to continue in the search for new therapeutic options.

During the conference, of which he is scientific director, dr. Serafino Conforti, head of Cosenza's oncology department, will present three non-real but realistic clinical cases. A doctor will present the clinical case and two other colleagues will develop two different ways to approach the pathology. External interventions by professionals involved in the management of various clinical cases called "spin-offs" such as pain therapy, aesthetic oncology, genetic counseling and management of side effects of therapies are also planned.

The course, which will begin from 9:00 am, includes two sessions: the first focused on the sustainable approach, ie the care and reception of the patient; the second on trends and news of medical therapies. During the second session, a master reading is planned by dr. Cinieri Saverio, director of the Oncology Complex in Brindisi

For the dott. Conforti is "an extraordinary opportunity to learn and think about such a delicate subject, but also so complex that it certainly deserves study days like the one on July 6th. As doctors, we have the duty to treat bad cancer and all other cancerous diseases, to be well informed of every progress in the international field and at the same time, as human beings, to commit ourselves to relieve pain and discomfort. the women. For this reason, after the study day dedicated to lung cancer and the one on the relationship between oncology and endocrinology, we thought about this other moment of confrontation between experts who, in their different clothes, face bad cancer. "

The conference is accredited on Agenas and is worth six credits; s address to 80 participants specialists in internal medicine, oncology, general surgery, radiotherapy, radiodiagnostics, medical genetics, pathological anatomy, nuclear medicine, general medicine, technicians in Radiology, Nurses, Pharmacists and Psychologists

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