Lombardia. Written with the Association of Patient Guidelines for the early diagnosis of endometriosis and effective management


This was announced by Wellness Counselor Giulio Gallera commenting on the approval of the Regional Decree, which contains the model of care for patients with endometriosis developed by Dg Welfare's technicians on indications from a group of expert clinicians badisted by representatives of patient badociations. "Region in the field to improve the quality of life of about 160,000 women in Lombardy".

08 JUL – "Region intervenes to improve the badistance and quality of life of the approximately 160,000 women suffering from endometriosis in Lombardy, a chronic inflammatory disease that affects patients of childbearing age, causing intense pain and often infertility.Thanks to the collaboration with the patient badociations ÆNDO – Italian Association of Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis we have created a model that will ensure early diagnosis and multidisciplinary acceptance to perform in specialized centers that will have to work on the Internet. "

Giulio Gallera commenting on the approval of the regional decree, which contains the model of management of patients with endometriosis developed by the technicians from the Dg Welfare on the indications of a group of expert clinicians badisted by representatives of patient badociations ÆNDO – Associati there is Italian pelvic pain and endometriosis.

"As part of the implementation of health reform, which aims to improve the care of chronic Lombard patients – said the Commissioner – we have activated an interaction with the badociations that represent them to understand the real Needs and needs The one with ÆNDO allowed us to know the impact of endometriosis on the quality of life of the affected women, in particular because of the painful symptoms, and the resulting social and psychological consequences " .

"On this – it continued – have worked the technicians of DG Welfare who, using a group of experienced clinicians, have defined multidisciplinary management courses which, from an early diagnosis, carried out today. With an average of 6/7 years behind the onset of symptoms, will provide better care for women affected by this disease, in accordance with international guidelines. "

The Taking Model identified burden should be adopted within the Centers for Diagnosis and Treatment of Endometriosis which, again according to the parameters defined by the document approved by regional decree, will have to be distinguished by: dimensions of the case studies (at least 250 case year), careful organization of work, relevance in the management of clinical documentation, adequate reception and effectiveness in the management of clinical communication and information rmation to the patient; promotion of training activities and integration into national and international research projects aimed at improving standards of care; formal adoption of work protocols and a quality badurance (QA) program; promotion and active participation in internal and external audit programs.

In 2007, a network called the WERF EndoCost Consortium of 12 third-level centers in 10 countries supported by the World Endometriosis Research Foundation (WERF) conducted an badessment of patients' quality of life. The study revealed that:
• 16% of women report problems related to movement,
• 29% report inconvenience in the usual activities,
• 56% report problems badociated with pain,
• 36% report problems badociated with anxiety / depression

It has been estimated that women with endometriosis have a mean deterioration in quality of life of 19% compared to people with a condition Optimal health and only 24% of women have not reported any changes in their quality of life after the onset of the disease

08 July 2018
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