The study and research activities related to the organization of the clinic will be the responsibility of the incumbent company which will ensure the internal selection of the nursing staff; provision of health equipment and diagnostic tools; contacts with the municipality, nurses, medical offices and social health institutions in the region; badysis of operational requirements in relation to personnel, equipment and technical aspects
A new success for the Administration led by Professor, Carmine De Angelis, who starts the first Community Care . Here is a summary of the services offered to citizens and their operation
The company will be responsible for the study and research activities related to the organization of the municipal nursing department that will allow internal selection nurses residing in the municipality in question. and conceptualized by the company; provision of health equipment and diagnostic tools; contacts with the municipality, nurses, medical offices and social health institutions in the region; badysis of operational needs in terms of personnel, equipment and technology
The Municipality, if necessary, will provide the company with an up-to-date map of home care services operating within the province. municipal sector and all useful information to make the best possible connection between the different local authorities. To this end, the organization of periodic meetings is planned, according to the needs that will be highlighted, among the heads of the municipality and the concessionary company
The concessionaire company is obliged to provide the following nursing services within the clinic. free: injective therapy (subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous); glycemic control and monitoring; Enteric drug administration; Administration of prescribed drugs or non-medicated substances by inhalation; Measurement of vital parameters Education for the prevention of the diabetic foot; Simple and complex dressings; Control and current badistance to the ostomy intestinal tract; Ordinary badistance to a patient with a bladder catheter; Instruction in pharmacological and nutritional therapy techniques; Education and education for the self-management of digestive and respiratory ostia; Education for the prevention and treatment of chronic skin lesions; Instruction for self-monitoring of blood glucose; Tips and Information on Food Education Tips on Access and Use of Public Health Services, Tips and Information on Preventing, Caring for and Maintaining the Level of Health and Well-Being Autonomy, counseling activities (reception, active listening, information and / or educational support on styles) aspects of life and well-being); Free prevention days for adults and children
To provide at home, under a discounted contract, reduced by 50% compared to normal nursing services, in addition to the services listed below: Electrocardiogram; Pressurized Holter 24h; Holter cardiac 24h; spirometry; Visits of specialists (doctors of the confidence prices of the concessionary firm).
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