Healthcare: Verona, reference point of the Negrar Hospital on Malaria (2)


(AdnKronos) – (Adnkronos) – The Negrar Hospital is confirmed as a point of reference, among others, in the study on malaria and mosquito-borne viruses, the latter problem that is repeats each year in these "Our center has been active for more than ten years," says Professor Bisoffi. Our operational unit, in collaboration with the Zooprofilattico delle Venezie and the Institute of Microbiology of the University of Padua, collaborated with the Veneto Region to create a reference model of integrated surveillance, monitoring and control of viral infections transmitted by mosquitoes such as dengue, chikungunya and West Nile, well-known causes of fever during the warm season. "Diseases transmitted by tiger mosquito and Culex mosquito, such as haemorrhagic fevers and diseases neuro-invasive, as well as the spread of these endemic insects for several years in different regions of Italy, are constantly monitored and the operational unit of the Sacred Heart he is scientific coordinator of the project of epidemiological surveillance of "fevers summer "for which Veneto is a pilot region." It is important to emphasize that the robleme is absolutely under control and that excessive alarms are not absolutely justified – rebadures Professor Bisoffi who explains – Since 2010, hundreds of people with fever during the summer have been tested, which allowed to identify positive cases in a timely manner and perform pest control measures when necessary "with disinfestation actions" The Negrar Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit probably collects the largest case studies in the field of tropical diseases. In addition to malaria and mosquito-borne infections, the other main areas of research and treatment are comorbidity in infectious diseases and strongyloidosis, a parasitic re-emerging pathology also present in Italy, often poorly understood: it is caused by the Strongyloides stercoralis nematode, patients are largely elderly women who have been infected, perhaps in their youth or their children, walk barefoot in the countryside or touch contaminated soil with their hands. The most common symptom is widespread and very intense pruritus, but there may also be various lesions on the skin (scratching or not), recurrent abdominal pain and sometimes asthma attacks.

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