NordEst, Carlo Benetton died at the age of 74: the youngest of the four brothers


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NordEst – Carlo Benetton, with Luciano, Giuliana, and Gilberto founded in 1965 the clothing group which later became famous around the world. He was currently president of Maccarese Spa Six months ago he was suffering from a serious illness. He lived in Treviso, leaving four children

The company was founded in the 1930s at the time of the claim, then acquired and restructured by Edizione Holding of the Benetton Group in 1998, as part of the privatization program launched by the government . . Carlo Benetton, born in 1943 in Morgano, in the region of Treviso, began in 1965, with brothers Luciano, Giuliana and Gilberto, in the activity of the textile group. He was the man who was responsible for the company dedicated to livestock, including the vast estates in Argentina.

"With Carlo Benetton, an entrepreneur was circumspect, clairvoyant and a great entrepreneur. operational capability that, together with the brothers Giuliana, Gilberto and Luciano, participated in the founding of one of the companies that brought the name of Veneto, its excellence and its innovation capabilities around the world ". With these words, the president of the region of Veneto Luca Zaia expresses his condolences for the death of the youngest of the four brothers of the well-known Treviso entrepreneurs' family. Agriculture – recalls Zaia – I visited with him the company Maccarese, discovering an innovative and sustainable agriculture model. "

" I express on behalf of all entrepreneurs of the Veneto region more sincere condolences to the Benetton family for the loss of an extraordinary businessman like Carlo ". According to Matteo Zoppas, president of Confindustria Veneto . "We are deeply grateful that he and his brothers and family brought a piece of our Veneto and Italy to the world – he concludes – he has made a decisive contribution to the growth and development of our territory, leaving a mark that will remain indelible. "

" In my name and the workers of Piana di Monte Verna express feelings of condolence to Andrea Benetton and his family, struck by severe mourning ". Thus Paolo Grendene General Manager of Cirio Agricola comments from Caserta on the death of the father of the president of the company Andrea Benetton. "The owner of Cirio Agricola, Carlo Benetton has left us – Grendene continues, in a note – this morning at his home in Treviso, where he died at the age of 74. Charles was the youngest Benetton four brothers and six months ago he was struck by a serious illness

But he had resisted stoically and showed no sign of subsidence, continuing to follow the restructuring of the farm of Piana di Monte Verna (Caserta), recorded 12 years ago. In recent months, in particular, Carlo Benetton had followed the restoration of the Fagianeria of the Bourbon era, last important step – concludes the CEO of Cirio Agricola – of a painstaking reorganization work. company that had always seen him protagonist ".

Confagricoltura expressed deep condolences for the death of Carlo Benetton as a result of a serious illness. "Benetton – recalled Confagricoltura, in a statement – was a deep innovator in the field of fashion, but also in agriculture.He was at the head of Cirio Agricola and directly followed, with much of it. commitment and pbadion, the business of reorganization and enhancement of enterprises.Smooth and knowledgeable entrepreneur, he's interested in issues of diversification, innovation, sustainability and traceability – concluded Confagricoltura – Also attentive to the territory had chosen to invest, in the primary sector, in the South, badertor convinced of a southern agricultural, absolutely protagonist. "

Sincere emotion and participation in the pain of the family for the death of Carlo Benetton were expressed by President of Coldiretti Roberto Moncalvo and the Secretary General Enzo Gesmundo who remembers "unusual qualities of the entrepreneur who has expressed himself with great skill and dedication to lead the Maccarese zootechnical farm badociated with the Coldiretti ".

"The death of Carlo Benetton is a serious loss for our region.I met him during my long working presence in Benetton di Ponzano, he was a hyperopic businessman who, along with his brothers, gave prestige in the name of Venetia throughout the world. "Thus the regional councilor of the Democratic Party Andrea Zanoni Treviso, expresses his condolences. Monastir factory in Tunisia, one of the projects with which I worked with one of his sons, the architect Mbadimo – he concludes. He was also a innovator in the agricultural sector, attentive to issues of environmental sustainability, traceability. "

" Together with all entrepreneurs badociated with Assindustria Venetocentro Entrepreneurs Padova Treviso we express our deepest condolences and the closeness of the brothers Benetto n and their families for the painful and premature loss of Mr. Carlo Benetton ". They say that it is Mbadimo Finco and Maria Cristina Piovesana, President and President Vicar Assindustria Venetocentro Entrepreneurs Padova Treviso. "With Giuliana, Luciano and Gilberto, he was the architect of an exceptional business history, born in Treviso and established in the world," they point out. An industrial history linked to the territory become, in a few years, with creativity and seriousness, one of the best expressions of the Italian industry. "

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