Gossip, Stefano De Martino "abandoned" by Gilda Ambrosio and paparazzi with the new flame


Hot summer for the dancer Stefano De Martino . The last of Gossip on the ex-husband Belen Rodriguez arrives from the pages of the weekly "Chi", where it is said that & # 39; He would be liberated from his last flame, the beautiful Gilda Ambrosio with whom he had been paparazzato again as a couple in recent weeks. However, De Martino would not have "surrendered", and here a new flirtation would be underway with the beautiful Cristina Buccino [VIDEO] former competitor of the famous island.

Gilda says goodbye to De Martino and he is consoled with another woman

Archived the adventure as sent by the island of the famous directed by Alessia Marcuzzi, Stefano De Martino returned to Italy and resumed his relationship with designer Gilda Ambrosio.

The two also granted a vacation together, as evidenced by the photos posted on social media, where we saw them in pairs in Ibiza

Yet, Ambrosio has always denied the flirtation with the Neapolitan dancer, specifying in an interview between her and Stefano there was only a deep friendship but we could not talk about love.

However, the weekly led by Alfonso Signorini, in the issue for sale this week, revealed that the most coveted dancer "Italy, in reality, would have been" dropped "by the charming Gilda Ambrosio [VIDEO] but at the same time would already have in his hands a new flame ready to console him and to make him forget this last break.

Cristina Buccino would have centered in the heart by Stefano De Martino

We speak about the Giunonica Cristina Buccino showgirl and model, many of whom will remember for participating in one of the last editions of the island of the famous broadcast on Cbade 5.

Still according to indiscretions reported on the pages of "Chi", it would seem that a few nights ago Buccino was a guest in Stefano's Milanese house, where singer Elodie Di Patrizi, former protagonist was also present of the spec Talking of talent Friends of Maria De Filippi

Apparently, however, the meetings in the secret between Stefano De Martino and Cristina Buccino would have multiplied, so that the gossip magazine speaks of the showgirl as new possible flame of the Neapolitan dancer. For now, Stefano and Cristina prefer not to feed the gossip of these hours, so as not to follow even on Instagram despite the meetings of recent weeks. A tactical choice to keep photographers out of their private lives? We just have to wait for new updates on this.

This article has been verified with:

  • https://www.gossipetv.com/stefano-de-martino-scaricato-gilda-ambrosio-nuova-fiamma-365212
  • http://www.gossipblog.it/post/559016/stefano-de -martino-flirt-cristina-buccino-downloaded-guild-ambrosio

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