advances from Monday 16th to Friday 20th July


The new weekly previews of Una Vita have in store for the public of Cbade 5 a lot of twists concerning certain protagonists of the soap opera. The teacher Teresa will discover wait a child from Mauro but the joy will last very little, since it will lose the child while Elena will decide to commit suicide after knowing that his father is dead. Simon, despite the burning quarrels with Donna Susana, will decide to forgive her mother for abandoning her as a child and Habiba after seeing a rapprochement between ] Leonor and Pablo decide to put in place a plan to divide the couple. The soap opera is broadcast daily Monday to Friday at 14:10 on Cbade 5.

Next week will be very interesting, but let's start from the beginning to better explain what will happen to the day to day protagonists of Una Vita. Pablo finds a mysterious letter that Leonor received from the island of Fernando Poo and, reading, he understands that somebody threatens his wife and does not take good news then he decides to openly confront his wife and friend. Servant and Lolita meanwhile, try to do good Don Segismundo to inherit the apartment of the man at his death. During this time Mauro made a pact with Elena for her to help Donna Cayetana and Ursula the woman, in effect, accepts the Help from the former commissioner with a pact that he protects his sick father, but unfortunately, when the policeman arrives at the hospital, he finds the dead and understands that behind there is the leg of Donna Cayetana and Ursula. Donna Susana decides to tell the whole truth to Simon, explaining that he had abandoned her because her birth was the result of violence and yet to restore the Relationships with his son decides to help him save his beloved Elvira de Don Arturo. Teresa meanwhile, makes the decision to stay next to Don Fernando and give a chance to their marriage for Tirso then asks Donna Celia to arrange a meeting with Mauro to be able to tell him in person that their love story is over.

Mauro informs Elena of the death of his father and guilt to Ursula of the tragedy, but the woman accuses him of what s u2019 has pbaded and left alone decides to take his own life. During this time Habiba decides to tell everything to Pablo, saying that Leonor helps to break free from the slavery of the island plantation by paying money to his owner. If at first the boy has doubts about the story, then he decides to believe it. Donna Susana helps Elvira to enter the hospital to visit Simon and discovers that the seamstress is the mother of his beloved, who reveals that Once cured, they will run away together, but she will have to stay away from home, so the seamstress decides to house the girl. Teresa informs Mauro that with Don Fernando decided to adopt Tirso and that among them all is finished but then the daughter accuses an illness and is taken to the hospital. During this time Donna Celia met Michel, a very attractive French merchant who could help her in the sale of her hair dyes. At the hospital Teresa becomes aware of being pregnant but unfortunately losing the child who was waiting, of course Don Fernando just knowing that the news decides not to not to see it and Donna Cayetana takes advantage of the situation to sow discord between the two husband

It seems that between Pablo and Leonor make serenity, in fact the two left alone in the living room embrace but are immediately intercepted by Habiba who calls the attention of Leono r. The rapprochement between Pablo and Leonor does not please at all Habiba, in fact the woman finds a letter from the bank addressed to the two boys where it is advised that the amount requested be available and decide to subtract it before both are aware . Mauro shares in the footsteps of Ursula, it is the only name that Elena could have said before dying. He therefore decides to reveal himself to Ursula, by telling him that she suspects both of Donna Cayetana for his attempted murder and that he will do so. pay to both. Elvira seems to have disappeared and Don Arturo asks to Don Felipe to intensify his search for his daughter. Teresa, still in the hospital, receives the visit of Don Fernando and apologizes for having made her suffer but tells her that she will love forever Mauro . The inhabitants of the district do not take very well the disorder set up by Mauro and not even the new commissioner Mendez who suspends him from the weapon.

The attitude of Don Fernando in Teresa is anything but amiable and Donna Cayetana instead of appeasing the wrath of the 39, man, encourages him to use an iron fist with his wife. Mauro after apologizing to locals decides to reach Teresa at the hospital and reveals his suspicions on Donna Cayetana . The harmony found between Leonor and Pablo does not really like Habiba who meditates on a plan to separate the two boys. Simon leaves the hospital to return from Elvira who lives in the sewing now and when Lolita discovers the girl there, decides to go to her home to get her documents and personal effects. Servant as always, decides to get into trouble, stealing first a pocket partition of the house of Alvarez-Hermoso, then a pen of Don Ramon's overcoat [19659004] Obviously Servant is arrested and apologized saying that his intention was to remove objects to leave them for posterity, but the arrest is only fiction, a staging of the building lords to make him understand that he should not act behind them but could ask. Lolita recovers the personal effects of Elvira, including the photo of the mother and inside the frame finds a photograph of the alleged murderer of the woman with a dedication to love and suspects that the Father has lied to him about all this. Habiba receives all the money from Don Ramon but reveals to Leonor that he will keep it for himself. Meanwhile Mauro for the umpteenth time puts Teresa in custody of Donna Cayetana which obviously ignores. Released from the hospital, however, the teacher made a bitter discovery: Tirso will be sent to the boarding school and Don Fernando no longer seems the same time .

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