Cholesterol and fat diet, a mix that hurts the prostate


Diet high in fat, high cholesterol and prostate problems, ranging from benign hyperplasia (benign hypertrophy) to the tumor. Among these conditions, there is a link " dangerous " not to be overlooked, on which the experts of the Siu, Italian Society of urology, attract the Warning.

Urologists inspired by two international studies. The first, published in the magazine "Prostate", examined about 36 thousand men between 40 and 99 years old, including nearly 9 thousand with high cholesterol, for a period between one and 14 years: it appeared that those who The propensity to maintain or develop high cholesterol levels, also "supported" by a high-fat diet, was nearly 25% more likely to result in enlarged prostate gland.

The second, published in the journal "Oncotarget" Instead, he badyzed 767 men with a prostate neoplasm, pointing out that hypercholesterolemia was linked to an incidence of more than 37% for development of the tumor. "In a preventive way – explains Professor Vincenzo Mirone, Siu's communications manager – a useful strategy is to intervene on the correction of food, limiting the intake of fat." The first urologist council is to take advantage of the summer to improve nutrition. Yes to cereals, legumes and vegetables, fish and meat (red and white as long as lean), cooked tomatoes, rich in lycopene, and broccoli, dried fruits and sugar-free beverages such as green tea.

Sunday, July 15th, 2018, 23:06


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