ATLANTA – Jimbo Fisher and Texas A & M led the festivities at SEC Media Days on Monday afternoon, but finishing first in the SEC West might be a little tougher at the beginning of Fisher's tenure as # 39; head coach. It does not matter. With the $ 75 million 10-year deal that Texas A & M used to lure it away from Florida State – a place where it won a national championship – Fisher does not have the luxury of time .
That's what makes this season so interesting at College Station. Fisher builds this program from scratch, with his philosophy and a national championship in mind.
"I think your schedule is as fast as you can put things in place and that everyone buys what you are trying to do." Fisher said inside the Hall of Fame university football. "You have a schedule, your schedule is now."
How difficult will it be? With Nick Saban's shadow over the SEC West, Auburn coached Gus Malzahn out of this shadow (two wins over Alabama in five tries) and the sleeping giant of LSU a state, it will be the most urgent challenge
"Is this realistic? I do not know, could it be? Yes, could not it be? Yes, everything is in the process of setting up, "he said. "Because you want to build a program the right way and get kids to understand and buy."
Fisher builds this in his image – with several narrow ends, a back and a new dedication to throw the "soft like Charmin" reputation for that of a 900-pound gorilla. That's what makes this so interesting. Fisher has a win-and-hold mentality during a transition that makes this goal easier to say than to do.
"I'm just saying we have to play with great strength," he said. "We have to play with incredible physics, I think the winning teams in this league, the teams that win the national championships, and the success we've had at Florida State, that's how we played – You must be able to direct football in this league, and you must be able to stop the race.You must be able to create big games.You must be hard and competent.Because you are hard This is not because you are competent that you can not be hard, I think that there is a good combination to be able to learn and be able to do that. "[19659002SchoolssystemstrengthandconditioningandphilosophicalchangesdonothappenovernightorinasingleoffseasonTheytaketimeButahungryfanbaseandachampionshipadministrationcoupledwithenoughcommasinFisher'schecktorunaprinterrunoutofinkleavenoroomforslowconstruction
early in his tenure , this message seems to have resonated with its players.
"It's a real tough one," said defensive lineman Kingsley Keke. He is demanding in business, requires excellence, tenacity and courage – all these good things, both mentally and physically. "
Fisher's culture change bled throughout the program.The coaching office is a business affair and no fun – former coach Kevin Sumlin had it before Fisher took the For business to prosper, there must be immediate spin-offs, something more than 8-4 Something more than the "special Sumlin" – most of the time sizzles with enough taste of steak to keep the fan base and the hungry administration hungry enough to break the bank for one of the best college football.
It's Fisher time. C & # Is Texas A & M time. The confluence of $ 75 million and the self-proclaimed expectation of excellence resulted in a demand for immediate payment.
No pressure, Jimbo. 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