Last Second Diet: The Efficiency of the "16: 8" Diet


These are not numbers to play in the Lotto, but the ratio between fasting hours and those in which one can feed

The principle is simple . You do not need to do complicated caloric calculations, you weigh the food or you hold it stubbornly: you have to eat moderately, eliminate sugars and alcohol and limit carbohydrates and fats: this that really matters, it's the moment when the food is taken: can be eaten within eight hours, while it must abstain completely in the next sixteen . So that, like other regimes of this kind, the regime 16: 8 belongs to the type of intermittent fasting diet

The principle that makes the scheme work is the fact that prolonged fasting for a sufficient number of hours to affect the hormonal metabolism causing consumption of fat deposits, regulating the production of insulin . The advantage of this diet, recommended among others by Avid Kingsbury, personal trainer of many Hollywood stars including Hugh Jackman and Jennifer Lawrence is the fact that weight loss does not affect lean muscle mbad, which remains intact. The fat mbad, on the other hand, is burned efficiently to produce energy, also obtaining a detoxification effect . [19659089] The diet of a typical day includes a liquid breakfast, a possible mid-morning snack, a light meal, still liquid in the middle of the afternoon and dinner before 10 pm , the hours may vary depending on your needs, but you must strictly respect the 16-hour interval without food: in this window of time you can only take drinks such as unsweetened water and some infusions. The recommended foods are fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains, while it is necessary to abandon to refined sugars, to the Alcohol and sausages. Naturally, this diet requires a little organization to compose balanced meals and is not suitable for those who suffer from nervous hunger because in the fasting phase, no snack is allowed.

The diet usually begins with evening fasting. , taking for dinner only a pinzimonio and an infusion, to resume eating at breakfast: the reduction of caloric intake, so coincides when you sleep and you feel less the need for food, taking advantage of the l '. detoxifying effect. Generally breakfast is based on liquids and can be consumed in the fasting hours (in fact it is skipped): we have lunch around 12h, we give a mid-afternoon snack and a dinner to 19h or 20h It is possible, however, to personalize the schedules by observing fasting during the day when you feel less need to eat: for example you can choose not to have breakfast, or skip lunch: l '. important is to keep the 16 consecutive hours fast and never eat after 22. Feeding this way effectively reduces the number of calories introduced and weight loss occurs. The diet, to be really effective, should be followed for one week a month.

This type of diet is not easy to follow and requires a great deal of discipline and determination, while it's especially helpful for those who exercise regularly : Feeding in this way promotes muscle recovery and the use of fats for energy production. But be careful not to train too intensely: the workouts should not last more than an hour and a half. Intermittent fasting diets are an entire family: in addition to the 16: 8 pattern, you can follow the two-day non-consecutive mini-fasts a week.

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