Milan, received from Cracco: the controversy (which is not there) circulates on social networks

Everything would be born of a photo posted on social networks by an outraged tourist for the prices Too high of the bar Felix "in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele: but the denunciation has the opposite effect …

Three orange juice squeezed and two bottles of natural water , for a total of 41 euros, is the image of the reception of Carlo Cracco's bar Felix in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele of Milan, published on social networks by an indignant tourist turned viral in a few hours, hoping to gather the consensus and raise awareness among its followers about the cause of the prices deemed excessive, the complaint actually had the effect The majority of users, in fact, sided in favor of the famous starred chef offering peremptory explanations to justify the costs with reference to the name, at the historic site, at high rent or even by resorting to common sense

  Milan, received from Cracco: the controversy (which is not there) moves on social networks

Somewhat. one writing: "Nobody forces you to go to Cracco, Marchesi or anything else. But know that in Milan, in the gallery, at Cracco or Marchesi are the prices. Why go there and then complain or ask? Take a few meters further and take the juice at the bar Autogrill, you will not pay 9 but 5 euros ", or who draws water at the Cracco Mill making the comparison with the prices of the capital of Holland:" A Amsterdam water costs almost 8 euros each and in supermarkets you can find it for 4 euros a bottle. In proportion, therefore, I understand the 7 euros of water you pay for Cracco in the gallery Vittorio Emanuele in the center of Milan. "

A #Napoli there is the gallery Umberto which is even more beautiful than that of #Milano .Three pressed and two bottles of water 10 euros.

– Davide (@ dawac72) July 15, 2018

E again: "I am on the side of Cracco who, as a restaurateur, has also" l & # 39; obligation "to make this price; on the contrary, I consider a fair price of 27 euros for three orange juice, must pay, rent, utilities, staff and everything comes back. " I n a sea of ​​dissent, however, lacks any opposite or ironic opinion." In Naples, there is the Umberto Gallery which is even more beautiful than that of Milan. Three juices and two bottles of water 10 euros ", in support of the complaint against the Cracco bar and, finally, there is also the sarcasm of a user, who s & rsquo; relies on the quality of raw materials used: "So? I saw Cracco in my part (Sicily, Ed.) Who collected 6 oranges of tarocco and pressed them, then I learned that he went with a carboy to tap the water. water directly from an alpine source; went down to Milan and … "