Alex Childress: healed by the factory Panace di Mantegazza


A very bad adventure for Alex Childress, a seventeen-year-old resident of Virginia, United States. The young man reported severe burns simply because he touched a poisonous plant. Alex was busy in his summer gardening work in the area around a factory when a branch touched his face: it was Panace di Mantegazza, a very poisonous plant, which can have terrible effects on human contact. Blister burns, up to blindness. "I cut a bush and when the branch fell, she touched my face, I did not pay much attention to it because with this kind of work it often happens to me. "Alex explains to NBC explaining that he did not know that he had touched the Panacea di Mantegazza, a toxic plant in the Caucasus that can cause burns, blisters and blindness only to touch him. & # 39; & # 39; With this kind of work, I often do – he said – at the hospital, they took me for an hour and a half to purify my body and lower the ph level & # 39; & # 39 ;. (Continue reading after the picture)

Once at home, after taking a shower, her skin began to detach, with second and third degree burns, and the mother, realizing that # There was Something that was wrong, he immediately took him to the emergency room. The young man was interviewed by NBC and called people to learn about this plant and the problems that it can cause. The Panace di Mantegazza is part of the family of umbrellas and can exceed 2 meters in height. It has large leaves whose petioles are rich in thorns. It is an invasive plant native to the Caucasus that has been introduced to Europe for ornamental purposes. (Continue reading after photo)

Mantegazza's panacea is present in some areas of Italy with spread along watercourses, in grbadlands and uncultivated places. Its danger periodically leads to the launch of campaigns that foresee its elimination. This plant should not be touched absolutely. The elimination of the Mantegazza panacea must be done by wearing protective gear and the removal should mainly concern parks and gardens, with particular attention to places frequented by children. The ideal would be to burn the plant after it has been removed or delivered to the waste incineration services. (Continue reading after photos)

If you notice the factory, the advice is to report its presence to the concerned municipality. If you touch this plant, it is important to stay away from the sun as the toxins are activated by light, causing severe inflammation, injury and even scarring that may remain permanent. If you see Mantegazza's panacea or if you believe that you are facing a potentially dangerous plant, do not touch it and, if possible, photograph it to signal its presence and allow it to be recognized by contacting the plant. municipality and local authorities the care of public green spaces.

Toxic plant. Warning: do not touch it for any reason! Experts give warning: it is also spreading in Italy. The most affected regions and, above all, how to avoid it …

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