Too much time on the cat and social increases the risk of attention deficit


ADOLESCENTS who use a lot of smartphones and other multimedia devices have a dual risk compared to those who use these means little to develop behavioral disorders especially the hyperactivity disorder and the deficit of attention. , a problem that affects academic performance by preventing those who suffer from performing badigned tasks, paying attention and focusing. This is revealed by a survey published in the Journal of the American Medical Association . The study focused on the use of social media, chats, text messages, streaming videos, online music or download, rather than more traditional entertainment such as television and radio. video games, says author Adam Leventhal of the University of Southern California

Mobile technology available today, he explains, can provide high-impact stimuli quickly and efficiently. at any time of the day, with probably even deeper effects than conventional media

American researchers began with a sample of 4100 high school students (15-16 years), among whom they have selected 2,587 young people without ADHD. Excluding those who have already suffered from the disorder, the researchers sought to observe the emergence of new behavioral problems over the two years of study. The 2,587 adolescents were divided into three groups according to the frequency of use of 14 digital platforms (eg Facebook). After two years, the appearance of new ADHD symptoms in these initially healthy young adults was badessed. It appeared that the probability of onset of ADHD symptoms in the two-year study for frequent digital media consumers is about double that of peers who use the media sparingly. "We can state – concludes Leventhal – that adolescents exposed to high levels of digital media have a significantly higher risk of developing ADHD symptoms in the future."

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