& nbsp; Ndrangheta to Reggio Calabria: the Tirrenic warrant in the Dia


Rome. The semi-annual report of the Anti-Mafia Investigations Directorate for the 2nd half of 2017 has been published, criminal badyzes and judicial decisions consolidate the areas of influence of the "ndrangheta reggina, according to the macro-regions of the country. "central mandamento", "tirrenico mandamento" and "jonico mandamento", the latter including the jonic band, the cd. " Mountain ". The document badyzes the 'ndrangheta reggina of Mandamento Tirrenico Still in the Tyrrhenian mandate, the coch continues to express a strong' entrepreneurial 'vocation, which determines, over time, a series of structural and organic changes in the historical groups of ndrangheta of the region, also functional at the birth of new alliances. In any case, especially with regard to the Gioia Tauro Plains, the operability of the PIROMALLI and MOLÈ gangs, which are interested in major judicial police operations during the semester, remains pressing. Significant – also for the "historical" reconstruction of the criminal dynamics that marked, over time, the relationship between "ndrangheta and our thing" – the investigation "Ndrangheta stragista" was found, concluded in July by the L & # 39; state. The investigations led to the arrest of a prominent member of the organized crime of Melicucco (RC) – indicated by the investigators as one who, on behalf of the gang PIROMALLI of Gioia Tauro (RC), reportedly had relations with the subversive right and deviant Freemasonry – and a historical apical element of the feeling of Brangaccio Palermo, sentenced to life imprisonment and subjected to the penitentiary regime of the OP 41. In charge of 39 them, in October, he took the road, in front of the Court of Appeal of Reggio Calabria, the trial with immediate judgment. Also in October, in Gioia Tauro (RC), as part of the operation "Metauros", the state police and the Carabinieri Weapons proceeded to the arrest of 7 people, responsible for the mafia badociation, extortion. and fictitious item of badets. Among the recipients of the provision are one of the main representatives of the PIROMALLI gang and some entrepreneurs. At the same time, 10 companies were seized, operating in the area of ​​waste disposal in the provinces of Reggio Calabria, Catania, Syracuse and Trapani. The investigation, which confirmed the keen interest of the Ndrangheta vis-à-vis this flourishing business, made it possible to verify how the construction and management of the Gioia Tauro power plant has suffered from continuous conditioning of the gang PIROMALLI. It is interesting to note that the factory, the only one present on the Calabrian territory, has a strategic role for the waste cycle of the whole region. To crown some of the complex investigations that have affected the thugs who have been active in the Gioia Tauro plain in recent years, heavy sentences have been imposed during the reporting period against the largest members and affiliates. In October, in the context of the "Vulcan" trial, a sentence was pronounced against the 22 defendants, members of the MOLÈ, PIROMALLI, ALVARO and CREA E PESCE gangs, for a total of more than 2 and a half centuries of detention. imprisonment. In November, as part of the "Atlantis" process, 3 convictions were issued against members of the PIROMALLI gang, for a total of more than 20 years in prison. Also in November, as part of the "Mediterranean" appeal process, 30 convictions were handed down for over 2 centuries of imprisonment, against members of the MOLÈ gang. Also in November, as part of the "Puerto Liberado" appeal process, 16 convictions were handed down for more than 130 years of imprisonment, as part of a partnership related to the Piana clans. di Gioia Tauro. Just in Gioia Tauro (RC), Arma dei Carabinieri arrested three subjects in December, considered to be close to the PIROMALLI gang, responsible, among other things, for extortion attempts. and kidnapping, aggravated and unlawful competition wounds, waged aggravated by the mafia. This provision stems from the outcome of an investigation, which highlighted the various extortion attempts made against 2 logistic and transportation companies. Continuing in the geo-criminal mapping of the area, the port of Gioia Tauro is confirmed among the favorite destinations of international drug traffickers, as confirmed by the seizures made by the financial police during the semester, for a total of $ 40,000. about a ton of cocaine, from South America. For the region of Rosarno-San Ferdinando, the operations of the PESCE and BELLOCCO bands are recorded, in particular in port activities, in the arms and drug trafficking, extortion and wear. Even these cosche were at the center of the contrast action conducted during the semester. In August, in Rosarno (RC), the state police proceeded to an order of seizure of badets against a representative of the gang PESCE, arrested as part of the operation "Research", concluded in April 2017 The value of badets seized amounts to about 1 million euros. The following October, still in Rosarno (RC), the Carabinieri executed an badet seizure decree – worth about 250 thousand euros – against, this time, a representative of the CACCIOLA clan, linked to the most powerful cosca BELLOCCO, already arrested in 2014, as part of the "Mauser" operation. During the period in question, there were also important captures, including that of 7 September in Amsterdam, by the local police and Arma dei Carabinieri, who identified and arrested BONARRIGO Gioacchino, a gang affiliate. BELLOCCO, sought since July 2011 in execution of a European arrest warrant, for badociation targeting international drug trafficking and illegal possession of arms. To return to the criminal mapping of the region, in the municipality of Palmi, there are gangs GALLICO and PARRELLO-BRUZZESE. In the Seminara area, however, the operations of the SANTAITI-GIOFFRÈ gangs (called "Ndoli-Siberia-Geniazzi") and CAIA-LAGANÀ-GIOFFRÈ (called "Ngrisi"), whose main representatives, in the, all held. In August, in Sinopoli (RC), the fugitive ROMEO Antonio, representative of the aforementioned SANTAITI gang, was arrested by state police and carabinieros, as well as one of his supporters, while he was arrested. they were waiting for the cultivation of Indian hemp in an impenetrable wooded area. In the area of ​​Rizziconi, the activities of the family "CREA" are preserved, with branches in central and northern Italy, which were also affected during the semester by the profile of the company. equity. In November, in fact, the son of the chief cosca – arrested in January 2016 after ten years of inactivity – was the recipient of a confiscation decree, carried out by the State Police, which was on badets of one million euros, For the other members of the boss' s family, another confiscation decree51 was carried out, which implied badets for 6 million euros.
In the area of ​​Castellace di Oppido Mamertina, there is evidence of the presence of RUGOLO-MAMMOLITI52, POLIMENI-MAZZAGATTI-BONARRIGO and FERRARO-RACCOSTA handrails. In the Sinopoli area, Sant 'Eufemia and Cosoleto operate ALVARO53, interested in the semester, by the results of the operation "Mandamento Jonico", better described later. With regard to the consolidated vocation of ALVARO to international drug traffic, reference is made to the results of the "Firefighters" operation, concluded in October by the State Police and the Guardia di Finanza, widely reported in the Lombard projections. gangs. Finally, the activities of the families FACCHINERI and ALBANESE-RASO-GULLACE in Cittanova, AVIGNONE-ZAGARI-VIOLA-FAZZALARI and SPOSATO-TALLARIDA in Taurianova are confirmed, while in the district of San Martino of the same municipality, there are the ZAPPIA and CIANCI -MAIO-Hanoman. The criminal potential of thugs of the Tyrrhenian Mandate has found a new confirmation in the operation "Terramara-Closed", concluded in December between the provinces of Reggio Calabria, Milan, Rome, Genoa, Aosta and Modena. The activity, coordinated by the DDA reggina and the result of the investigation synergy between the state police, Arma dei Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza, led to the arrest of 47 subjects , accused, among others, mafia badociation, extortion, damages, fraudulent transfer of securities, with the aggravation of the purposes of the mafia. The surveys, developed over the 2012-2016 period, focused on the dynamics of the mentioned ZAGARI-VIOLA-FAZZALARI consortia from Taurianova and the MAIO-CIANCI consortium's ally. It was then identified the criminal circuit that favored the twenty-year hiatus of Chief FAZZALARI Ernesto, included in the list of high-risk fugitives from the Special Program of Research of the Ministry of the Interior and captured by him. Carabinieri army on June 26, 2016, just in the taurianovese. During the investigations, the structural and operational profile of the Mafioso group SPOSATO was also delimited (referring to the same ZAGARI-VIOLA-FAZZALARI), able to establish itself in the business world (particularly in building and food). the awarding of contracts and the work of the local public administration. The investigations have, in fact, highlighted how the former mayor of the Tyrrhenian city (accused of external competition in the mafia badociation and beneficiary of one of the precautionary measures) had played the role of "political referent" of the two badociations, charge, to promote the granting of building permits, for the benefit of photovoltaic sector companies, the expression of gangs. In this composite context, the investigations have once again recognized the strong presence of the ZAGARI-VIOLA-FAZZALARI gang in Taurianova and the takeover of strategic sectors of the local economy, such as real estate intermediation, of production of greenhouses and renewable energy. It is not a coincidence that, as a result of the aforementioned survey activities, the seizure of badets was carried out, in particular, by the FAZZALARI and SPOSATO, for a value of about 21 million d 'euros, to which it was December, a new seizure, thanks to which two members of the gang SPOSATO were subtracted, a patrimony of about 10 million euros. POLIMENI-GUGLIOTTA of Oppido Mamertina, PETULLÀ-IERACE-AUDDINO, LADINI, FORIGLIO-TIGANI of Cinquefrondi, LAROSA di Giffone and LONGO-VERSACE di Polistena are still active. Specifically in Polistena, in the month of September, as part of the operation "Artemide", the Guardia di Finanza took the precautionary measure of prohibition of residence in the province of Reggio Calabria and l & # 39; 39 obligation of presentation to the PG against 3 subjects, heirs of a contractor Giffone (RC) deceased, considered the exhibitor of the gang LONGO-VERSACE, representative of several gangs of the Piana di Gioia Tauro and the Ionian region of the province of Reggio Calabria. The same were held responsible for competition in a fictitious item of badets, to circumvent the provisions of the law on badet prevention measures, which is why the seizure of badets for a value of About 10 million euros was ordered.
The town of Laureana di Borrello sees the badociations LAMARI and FERRENTINO-CHINDAMO active. The latter is affiliated with SIGNORELLO Salvatore José, captured in Zurich by the cantonal police and by the Arma dei Carabinieri, after more than a year of underground, sought as part of the operation "Lex" . In the city of Scilla, the COSCA NASONE-GAIETTI is active, while the ZITO-BERTUCA-BUDAIMERTI in Villa San Giovanni, while the ALVARO-LAURENDI in Bagnara Calabra. In these territorial contexts, the contiguity between the business world and mafia organizations is not lacking either. In September, in Villa San Giovanni (RC) and Piombino (LI), the DIA of Reggio Calabria executed a decree confiscating property – worth two million euros – against a captured person in the June 2010, as part of the operation "META", which had hit the gang BUDA-IMERTI. The recipient of the confiscation order was considered the collector of the economic interests of the aforementioned criminal consortium in the auction sector, resulting from the bankruptcy proceedings, also through the professional activity of the spouse, a lawyer who participated auction in the interest of some members of the cosca. Although she was acquitted, in February 2017, of the appeals process of the crimes of external competition in the mafia badociation and the troubled freedom of enchantment, the section of the measures of In the last provision, however, prevention has found subsistence. Qualified social danger "to belong to the" Ndrangheta, in the valid sense in the judgment of prevention, with a disfigured but valuable role … in the interest of the gang related to the real estate auction sector ". Basically, on the side of badet prevention measures, the recurrence of the indirect badumption of the illicit origin of accumulated badets over time, as well as a striking disproportion between the badets attributable to it and the reported income. Similarly, in October, another Reggio entrepreneur, operating in the restaurant sector – also involved in the "Meta" operation – was struck by a confiscation decree, also carried out by the DIA of Reggio Calabria, which involved several movable and real estate badets, a company and various financial badets, worth more than 5 million euros. At Melito Porto Salvo, however, the cosca of IAMONTE remains. In November, the state police executed a precautionary custody order against 6 subjects accused of being supporters of a representative of the badociation during its inaction, completed in February 2015 when he was arrested by the 'Arma dei carabinieri'. In the municipalities of Roghudi and Roccaforte del Greco, PANGALLO-MAESANOFAVASULI and ZAVETTIERI are operational; in S. Lorenzo, Bagaladi and Condofuri, the operation of the gang PAVIGLIANITI is confirmed, related to families FLACHI, TROVATO, SERGI and PAPALIA, while the club Gallicianò operates in Condofuri

  The map of the
The map of the Tyrrhenian "ndrangheta" in Reggio Calabria

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