Metro C, in 25 risk the process: "stole 230 million"


The investigation of the parquet floor of Rome on line C of the subway is closed. 25 people risk being accused of fraud, counterfeiting and bribery, depending on their duties. In the list there is also the former mayor Gianni Alemanno, his former advisor for public works Antonio Aurigemma, the former advisor for transportation at the time Marino Guido Improta and the former super bureaucrat of the Ministry of Infrastructures Ercole Incalza.

There are two administrative stages around which the crimes alleged by the Deputy Prosecutor Paolo Ielo and the Deputy Prosecutor Erminio Amelio articulate: the signing of the Settlement Act of 6 September 2011 and the In the first case, eight executives and executives of Roma Metropolitane srl (the contracting company owned by Campidoglio) and the Metro C consortium (the general contractor who had won the construction of the line) would have "fraudulently reported (giving the impression that the total amount) reserves listed for 1,394,970,000 euros until February 28, 2011", "for the purpose intended – it is read in the indictment – for the economic convenience of the settlement agreement reached on the basis of 230 million. "By doing so, they would" mislead the CIPE (who authorized the payment by a resolution), the State, the region of Lazio and the city of Rome, and "would provide an unfair profit" of 230 million to the builders.

Incalza and Improta, together with the leaders of the Metropolitan of Rome and the Metro C consortium, are accused of "falsely representing the possibility of financing the additional $ 90 million" with the signing of the "Payment due in the context of an earlier illegal agreement (settlement agreement) and partly related to innovative amounts "," failure to act for reasons beyond their control ".

the other, many of the current suspects by the criminal prosecution are on trial in the Lazio Court of Accounts to meet a tax loss of 221 million for "abnormal execution of work" , equal to the sum that allowed the Metro C consortium to "get huge revenues simply because the sites were open", that is, without bringing any benefit to the company. 39, public administration. Line C is still "monca": for the moment, only the section of Montecompatri, east of the city, arrives in San Giovanni, where it joins the line A. It is still to finish, but already financed , the stop that will arrive at the Coliseum, connecting line C to B.

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