Tina Cipollari in the center of gossip because of some suspicious curves


Tina Cipollari was immortalized in the company of her ex-husband Chicco Nalli in a few photographs published by the weekly 'Nuovo'. The two ex-spouses after February's separation seem to have found a new complicity. Photos published by the Newspaper [VIDEO] show the columnist of "19459004" Men and Women & # 39; with some suspicious roundness that triggered the Gossip on the possibility of a new pregnancy for the 'vamp & # 39; Mediaset. The hairdresser Kikò and Tina Cipollari met in 2005 in Mediaset studios and from their love three children were born: Mattias, Francesco and Gianluca. After twelve years of marriage, the couple officially left last February.

Despite the separation, the two have repeatedly stated that the great affection that unites them will last forever. The photographs that represent them with Ostia suggest a new serenity and complicity. The couple was photographed while crossing Ostia and went shopping in a supermarket. There are three indications that made a new pregnancy suspect. Tina is wearing a big caftan, almost hiding her roundness more pronounced than usual. The & # 39; vamp & # 39; in the head has a band that could be used to cover regrowth, whereas the use of hair dyes is not recommended for pregnant women. In addition, Tina Cipollari was recently paparazzi while she was reading a pamphlet on amniocentesis in a specialized clinic (an examination done when one is in an interesting state)

Photographs by Tina and Chicco Could Mean the serenity of a new couple

The images disclosed by the rotogravure press magazine, [VIDEO] sparked gossip about a fourth alleged pregnancy for columnist Mediaset, now fifty-two years old. The serene climate that characterizes the couple suggests that the marital crisis is totally outdated. During the last episode of "Men and Women over", the columnist had stated that the affection that binds her to her ex-husband will never end; Chicco Nalli has also repeatedly stated that the great love that united Tina has been transformed over time into affection and esteem, further baderting that their relationship will remain indissoluble. Recently, the two ex-spouses were also photographed together on the occasion of the barber brother's "wedding money" celebrations. While waiting to know if Tina Cipollari is looking forward to the fourth child, the many fans of the opinion are happy that their "darling" lives a calm and relaxed summer with her ex-husband.

: [19659008]

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