can his bite kill?


The attacks attributed to the little arachnid succeed one another. Here is what the toxicologist


said in Bomarzo, in the region of Viterbo, in Olbia, through the epicenter of psychosis: the suburbs of Rome . The Italian summer is marked by a new case, that of the spider-violin a small arachnid of a few millimeters to which several bites are attributed with more or less serious consequences. The crescendo of attacks on humans is due to the increase in temperatures. Fabrizio Pregliasco a virologist at the University of Milan, talks about many reports. "His bite – says the doctor to La ​​Voce del Trentino – causes itching, burning and redness in the two or three days following the sting". The danger of its bite is that it can carry anaerobic bacteria which, in turn, "can cause skin damage, muscle damage, kidney bleeding" .

The Story of a Roman Woman

The most striking case of bite of the violin spider appeared yesterday, when NewsMediaset collected testimony from 39, a Roman woman who had to do with the animal for a month is . Initially, he believed that it was the bite of a mosquito, to realize that it was something different, for which antibiotic therapy was needed. "The ankle has become huge and even under the chin all swollen," says the woman. "The worst thing was the general malaise – it adds – I saw it scrambled, I had deviations and so much weariness". "And even today – he concludes – after a month of bites, the sore throat persists". Other tests will confirm whether the danger of streptococcus the bacterium transmitted by the bites of the violin spider and which may affect internal organs such as hearts, kidneys, lungs, escaped .

The rebadurances of the toxicologist

Can the violin spider kill? Many in those hours if they ask. "In 2015 and 2017 – explains Maurizio Paolo Soave of the Anti-Poison Center of the Polyclinic Gemelli – two deaths occurred in Italy which, initially attributed to the bite of a violin spider, were then recognized as being caused by the pre-existing serious conditions of the two patients Until now, there is no data to prove that the violin spider bite is potentially lethal to the healthy individuals ". Soave also points out that the "violin spider" is a timid and solitary animal. She attacks and defends herself only if she is disturbed "and is an insect that has always been present in Lazio and Italy and cases of bites have always been and documented by the poison control centers. If you think you have been bitten by the spider, what to do? Soave explains that there are no specific pharmacological treatments: "in the rare cases of major lesions (necrosis), treatment is symptomatic and symptomatic and pharmacological (antibiotics, cortisone)." in other rare cases, surgical dressing may be necessary. " The toxicologist then invites "not to alarm by going to the emergency department" . His advice is instead to "consult a Poison Control Center describing the circumstances of the exposure and the signs and symptoms that may be present, only later and in some cases, a medical visit may be necessary. "

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