Vaccines, madness M5S: "Children in quarantine". Family doctors get up


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by Maria Corongiu *

Vaccines and vaccinations are a scientific fact established in medicine, which requires no democratization. For a doctor to expose a child or adult to a preventable disease with a vaccine is something morally and ethically unacceptable, FIMMG Lazio GPs now declare that they will oppose this proposal with all the means available to protect people is a real fact and does not act instead of a political exploitation in search of easy votes. "

A quarantine system for vaccinated children, model cascades flowing backwards, a flexible obligation an unhappy oxymoron, the democratization of medicine, until now you could only smile by reading ideas not ideas, but what is really dangerous and therefore unacceptable for a doctor is the proposal to vaccinate a child "at the end of the second half of life: this means extensors of the proposed law report our vaccination system back a hundred years ago, exposing children in their first year of life to serious infectious diseases, which cause serious aftereffects and death. " The same authors do not know which infectious diseases can circulate in the absence of vaccination, especially when in the first year of life such a vast reservoir of unvaccinated children is created. to vaccinate with monovalent vaccines with a minimum interval of 60 days between one vaccination and the other inducing times of exposure to infectious diseases that easily reach 2 and a half years, increasing the possibilities, completely & Only certain, contagion with deadly bacteria and viruses.In addition, the subject who has started the path of vaccination but who rethinks, for whatever reason and can stop the continuation of vaccination, would increase the reservoir that feeds the spread of infectious diseases, and then continues into the procrastination of vaccination by claiming that the Medical Vaccine is obliged to provide information and documents to the request of the interested parties, it is not difficult to understand where you are going, a parent who does not want to vaccinate your child Doctor for days and days, so for each vaccination according to the parental safety we will keep the resources to the detriment of those who rather entrust their children to Vaccine Services.

Then there is the idea of ​​a "preventive nutrition" can replace the vaccination that makes us think about how inappropriate it is that the policy replaces medicine, in l 'it. occurrence science. There are no pre-vaccination examinations, screening, customs clearance or exemptions, the long Italian experience of Medical Vaccinators is the pride of all Italy, in Lazio in particular they pursue Optimal vaccination strategies despite large sacrifices of operators due to lack of resources, and these do not need political lessons on how to conduct a specific medical history, to ensure that there are no contraindications to the implementation of vaccination or how much to study to keep abad of many proclamations. Doubt of vaccine vigilance, introduce suspicions about the "toxic substances" contained in vaccines, or insist on the negative effects means to ignore how closely Italy, and with what attention, with its dedicated institutional agencies , do it in terms of monitoring and evaluation. The recent Italian experience of Morbillo should have led the authors of the proposal to reflect on the fact that when vaccination coverage decreases, the risk of recirculation of infectious diseases is certain.

Today, we are still under a similar project of the law, which actually leaves the vaccination choices to parents, and ties hands to doctors, we can anticipate without a denial theme a new lowering of the covers and finally a greater circulation of infectious diseases. I insist: for a doctor, exposing a child or adult to a preventable disease with a vaccine is morally and morally unacceptable. Fimmg Lazio hopes and hopes for institutional intervention by the Minister of Health reporting the discussion on purely scientific plans, respecting the institutions responsible for safeguarding the health of citizens, avoiding that such attitudes create mistrust and doubts in the Italian Health System. "

Regional Secretary of the Fimmg Lazio

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