This is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. Lazio and Lombardy the most exposed regions


Radon gas, geologists: is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. Lazio and Lombardy regions most exposed

Today, July 26, 2018, at 12:00, in the Senate of the Republic, was held the press conference "Radon geological risk of the land an invisible danger to the who know it? ", organized at the initiative of Senator Francesco Bruzzone, in collaboration with the National Council of Geologists, which provides for the presentation of the National Conference to be held on October 26.

(First News page) Thursday, July 26, 2018

(First page News)
Thursday, July 26, 2018


July 26, 2018 (First page News)

Today, July 26, 2018, in the Senate of the Republic, was held the press conference "Radon geological risk of the land an invisible danger to health: how many know it?", Organized at the The initiative of Senator Francesco Bruzzone, in collaboration with the National Council of Geologists, which provides for the presentation of the National Conference to be held on October 26th.

Radon gas, geologist: is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. Lazio and Lombardy the most exposed regions

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First page News



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function updateAppointmentsCalendar (momentData)
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& # 39; / Events / api-list up to date & # 39;
{Data point, date},
function (data) {
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for (var i in date)
var item = date [i];

var divSegment = $ (& # 39;

& # 39;)
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divSegment.append (spanTitolo);
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& # 39;));
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$ (& # 39 ;.wrapper-rendez-vous [data-sorgente=’+dataSorgente+’] .container-appointments & # 39;). append (divSegment);



local.time (& # 39;);
$ (& # 39; Calendar & # 39;). Calendar ({
onMonthChanged: function (momentData) {
console.log (& # 39; onMonthChanged & # 39;);
aggiornaAppuntamentiCalendario (momentData);
onDayClicked: function (momentData, hasEvent, el) {
console.log (& # 39; onDayClicked & # 39;);
if (hasEvent)
var dataSource = $ (el) .parents (& # 39 ;. calendar). attr (& # 39; source-date & # 39;);
console.log (dataSorgente);

$ (& # 39 ;.wrap-rendez-vous [data-sorgente=’+dataSorgente+’] .container-appointments> .ui.attached.segment). remove ();

$ (& # 39 ;.wrapper-rendez-vous [data-sorgente=’+dataSorgente+’] .container-calendar & # 39;). hide ();
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aggiornaAppuntamentiLista (momentData);

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$ (& # 39 ;.wrapper-rendez-vous [data-sorgente=’+dataSorgente+’] .container-calendar & # 39;). show ();
$ (& # 39 ;.wrapper-rendez-vous [data-sorgente=’+dataSorgente+’] .container-appointments & # 39;). hide ();

updateDimensionsCalendarCalendar () function
$ (& # 39 ;. wrapper-appointments). each (function () {

var dataSource = $ (this) .attr (& # 39; data source & # 39;);

console.log (& # 39; dataSorgente = & # 39; + dataSorgente);

console.log (& # 39; appuntamnti & # 39;);
var widthTotal = ($. & # 39; wrapper-rendez-vous [data-sorgente=’+dataSorgente+’] & # 39;). width ());
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$ (& # 39 ;. wrapper-appointment [data-sorgente=’+dataSorgente+’] .week & # 39;). css ('height', widthCella + 'px');


$ (window) .resize (function () {
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}, 150);

setTimeout (function () {
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}, 500);

twitterVerticalTicker function () {
$ (# Twitter-vertical-ticker> div: first & # 39;). slideUp (
function () {$ (this) .appendTo ($ (# twitter-vertical-ticker)). slideDown (); });
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$ (function () {
console.log (& # 39; load & # 39;);
var w = $ (# instagram-vertical-ticker). width ();
var h = $ (# instagram-vertical-ticker). height ();

console.log (& w = + w + – h = + h);
$ (# Instagram-vertical-ticker) Height (p-10).


$ (window) .resize (function () {
console.log (& # 39; resize & # 39;);
var w = $ (# instagram-vertical-ticker). width ();
var h = $ (# instagram-vertical-ticker). height ();

console.log (& w = + w + – h = + h);
$ (# Instagram-vertical-ticker) Height (p-10).


function instagramVerticalTicker () {
$ (# Instagram-vertical-ticker> div: lt (3) & # 39;). slideUp (
function () {$ (this) .appendTo ($ (# instagram-vertical-ticker)). slideDown (); });
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// Embed for videos
$ (& # 39; Ui.embed. & # 39;) Embed ().

$ (# BtnAccedi & # 39;). we (click), function (ev) {
$ (». Popup access) Modal ('show').

$ (Filter & # 39; .ArticleType & # 39;). One ('click', function (ev) {
$ (& # 39; FiltroTipoArticolo. & # 39;) RemoveClbad (& # 39; active).
$ (Ce) .addClbad ("active");

. $ (This) .parents ('Search Box Form') FIND ('entry [name=tipologia]) Val ($ (this) .attr (' data type ') ).

var q = $ (this) .parents (& # 39 ;. form-search-box & # 39;). find ("entry [name=q]"). val ();
if (q! = & # 39;)
. $ (This) .parents ('Search Box Form') FIND (& # 39;) submit ().


$ (& # 39 ;. & # 39;). we (click), function (ev) {
$ (& # 39; & # 39;) Toggle ().

$ (& # 39;. Form-search-box entry [type=text] & # 39;). focus ();

$ (& # 39;. & # 39;). one ('click', function (ev) {
. $ (This) .parents (& # 39; form & # 39;) submit ();

setTimeout (function () {
. $ (# PopupAccedi-mail) Val (& # 39;);
. $ (# PopupAccedi-pbadword) Val (& # 39;);
}, 100);

$ (# PopupAccediBtnLogin & # 39;). one ('click', function (ev) {
var email = $ (# popupAccedi-email & # 39;). val (). trim ();
var pbadword = $ (# popupAccedi-pbadword). val (). trim ();

. $ (# PopupAccedi-erroreEmail & # 39;) Hide ();
. $ (# PopupAccedi-errorePbadword & # 39;) Hide ();
. $ (# PopupAccedi-erroreLogin) Hide ();

console.log (email, pbadword, (email == & # 39;)) (pbadword == & # 39;);

var error = false;

if (email == & # 39;)
$ (# PopupAccedi-erroreEmail & # 39;) Show ().
error = true;
if (pbadword == & # 39;)
$ (# PopupAccedi-errorePbadword & # 39;) Show ().
error = true;

if (error) return;

$ (Ce) .addClbad ("loading");

.post $ (
& # 39; / Users / ajax-login & # 39;
{LoginForm [email]: email, LoginForm [pbadword]: pbadword},
function (data) {
console.log (date);
if (data.valid)
// location = data.url;
location.reload (true);
other {
$ (# PopupAccediBtnLogin ') removeClbad (' upload ').

$ (# PopupAccedi-erroreLogin) Html (from data.error).

$ (# PopupAccedi-erroreLogin ') Show ().

var regionPreferito = Cookies.get (& # 39; preferred_referred region & # 39;); // => & # 39; value & # 39;
console.log (& # 39; preferred region = & # 39; + preferred region);
if (regionePreferito! = not defined)
$ (& # 39; .ui.left.sidebar .dropdown [data-sigla=”regioni”] .item [data-id-categoria=’+regionePreferito+’] .btn-preferred & # 39;). removeClbad ('gray'). addClbad (& # 39; red). addClbad (& # 39; red-no-border & # 39;);

// Side menu
$ (& # 39 ;. main-menu-sidebar-button & # 39;). we (click), function (ev) {
$ (& # 39; Ui.left.sidebar & # 39;)
.sidebar (& # 39; switch & # 39;);

$ (& # 39; Ui.left.sidebar & # 39;). Lateral bar ({
transition: "superposition",
dimPage: false,
$ (& # 39; .ui .dropdown & # 39;). dropdown ({on: "hover"));

$ (& # 39; .ui.left.sidebar .dropdown .item & # 39;). we (mouseover), function (ev) {
. $ (This) .Find (.-Preferred Btn & # 39;) Show ();

$ (& # 39; .ui.left.sidebar .dropdown .item & # 39;). on (mouseout), function (ev) {
$ (Ce) .Find (-Btn preferred.) Hide ().

$ (& # 39; .ui.left.sidebar .dropdown .item .btn-preferred & # 39;). we (click), function (ev) {

var abbreviation = $ (this) .parents (& # 39 ;. dropdown.item & # 39;). attr (& # 39; data-sigla & # 39;);
if (abbreviation == & # 39; regions & # 39;)
ev.preventDefault ();

var anchorItem = $ (this) .parent ();
var idCategory = $ (anchorItem) .attr (& # 39; data-id-category & # 39;);

var regionPreferito = Cookies.get (& # 39; preferred_referred region & # 39;); // => & # 39; value & # 39;
console.log (& # 39; preferred region = & # 39; + preferred region);
if (preferred region == idCategory)
Cookies.remove (& # 39; regione_preferito & # 39;);
d & # 39; other
Cookies.set (& # 39; preferred_value & # 39; categoryID);

location = & # 39 ;;

$ (& # 39 ;. main-menu-sidebar-button & # 39;). we (click), function (ev) {
$ ("html, body"). animate ({scrollTop: 0}, 1000);

$ (function () {
console.log (& # 39; window.height & # 39;);

// var h = $ (& # 39; body & # 39;). height ();
// In this mode, consider the scroll zone also for Internet Explorer
var h = $ ('body') [0] .scrollHeight;

console.log (h);
$ (& # 39 ;. main-menu-desktop & # 39;). css ('min-height', h + 'px');

$ (& # 39 ;. main-menu-sidebar-button-mobile & # 39;). we (click), function (ev) {
$ (& # 39; Main-menu of mobile container side bar & # 39;) toggle (.);

$ (& # 39 ;. main-menu-mobile-btn-login & # 39;). we (click), function (ev) {
$ (». Popup access) Modal ('show').

$ (Main-menu mobile.ui.accordion & # 39;). Accordion ()

$ (Function () {
$ ("ul # ticker01"). liScroll ({travelocity: 0.09});

$ ("ul # ticker01 li"). css ('color', '# FFFFFF');

$ (& # 39 ;. footer-btn-login & # 39;). we (click), function (ev) {
$ (». Popup access) Modal ('show').

$ (& # 39 ;. popup-page-site-opener & # 39;). we (click), function (ev) {
var url = $ (this) .attr (& # 39; data-url & # 39;);
$ (& # 39 ;. Ui.modal.popup pages-site [data-url=’+url+’]) Modal (& # 39; show & # 39;).

}); [ad_2]
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