Hepatitis C. Italy among the 12 countries that could successfully reach the WHO goal for eradication by 2030


Italy, thanks to the treatment access policies introduced by IAAF, will achieve WHO's goal of reducing by 65% ​​the mortality correlated with HCV in 2022 and, according to the latest badyzes conducted by the Center Disease Analysis (USA), is one of 12 countries that have started positively towards the goal of WHO to eliminate the infection by the HCV by 2030, provided that the number of people treated is high. GUIDELINES FOR TREATMENT AND TREATMENT CHRONIC HEPATITIS C INFECTION, WHO 2018 – HEPATITIS C, WHO 2018 – WHO STRATEGY WORLD HEALTH SECTOR IN VIRAL HEPATITIS 2016-2021 – REPORT HIPPY 2017 WHO [19659002] 26 JUL – Hepatitis B & C viral diseases are among the major health challenges: they affect 325 million people worldwide and are the leading causes of liver cancer with 1.34 million deaths each year .

Hepatitis B and C are chronic infections that may not show their symptoms for a long time, sometimes years or decades. At least 60% of liver cancer cases are due to late testing and equally late treatment of viral hepatitis B and C. Poor coverage of tests and treatments is the main gap World elimination targets of the disease by 2030.

WHO for World Hepatitis Day 2018, celebrated each year on July 28 in honor of Baruch Blumberg born in 1925 to date and died in 2011, Nobel Prize in 1975 for having discovered the hepatitis B virus and having developed the first vaccine, will focus on theme: "Test, treat l & # 39; hepatitis ".

– support the increase of the prevention, testing, treatment and treatment of hepatitis, with special attention to the promotion of the recommendations of the WHO and Therapeutic Recommendations,

– show the best practices and promote universal health coverage of services for hepatitis;

– improve partnerships and funding in the fight against viral hepatitis.

"We have a clear vision of elimination and we have the tools to do it.But we need to accelerate progress towards our goal of eliminating hepatitis by 2030 ", said the Director General of the WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus .

Worldwide, less than 20% of access to testing and treatment for hepatitis B and C at the end of 2016.

To accelerate global progress, WHO also publishes new guidelines on the treatment of hepatitis C . The guidelines allow for significant simplifications in the delivery of therapy to the 70 million people living with chronic hepatitis C worldwide.

"The elimination of hepatitis will require continued innovation, better medicines, and better health services," Gottfried Hirnschall, WHO Director for HIV and hepatitis . "Our new recommendations should pave the way for all who have hepatitis C to gain access to testing and curative treatments as soon as possible."

The WHO also focuses on hepatitis A a viral liver disease that can cause mild to severe illness. The virus is transmitted through ingestion of contaminated food and water or through direct contact with an infected person

Almost all recover completely from hepatitis A with permanent immunity. However, a very small percentage of people infected with hepatitis A could die from fulminant hepatitis.

The risk of infection with hepatitis A is badociated with a lack of safe water and a lack of hygiene (dirty hands). ]

Outbreaks can be explosive and cause substantial economic losses

A safe and effective vaccine is available to prevent hepatitis A: anyone who has not been vaccinated or who has already been infected may present a risk of hepatitis infected with the hepatitis A virus. In areas where the virus is prevalent (highly endemic), most infections with hepatitis A occur during early childhood.

Vaccination against hepatitis A should be part of a comprehensive plan for the prevention and control of viral hepatitis Planning for large-scale immunization programs should involve evaluations accurate economic and consider alternative or additional prevention methods, such as improving sanitation and education to improve hygiene practices.

Food Safety, Improved Hygiene, Handwashing and Hepatitis A Vaccine are the Most Effective Ways to Fight the Disease

Contrary to the hepatitis B and C, hepatitis A does not cause chronic hepatic and rarely fatal, but can lead to debilitating symptoms and fulminant hepatitis (acute liver failure), often fatal.

But the disease can have significant economic and social consequences in communities. It can take weeks or months for people who are recovering from illness to return to work, school, or daily life. The impact on food establishments identified with the virus and local productivity in general can be significant.

WHO Intervention for Hepatitis

In May 2016, the World Health Assembly adopted the first " Global Health Sector Strategy on viral hepatitis, 2016-2021 ".

The strategy highlights the fundamental role of universal health coverage and the objectives of the strategy are aligned with those of the Sustainable Development Goals. The strategy aims to eliminate viral hepatitis as a public health problem, which is part of the overall goals of reducing new viral hepatitis infections by 90% and reducing viral hepatitis. 65% the number of deaths due to viral hepatitis. 2030. The measures to be taken by countries and the WHO Secretariat to achieve these objectives are described in the strategy.

Helping countries to progress towards the achievement of global goals for hepatitis in the 2030 global sustainable development agenda, WHO is working in the following areas:

– sensitization, Promoting Partnerships and Resource Mobilization,

– Policy and Evidence Development for Action;

– prevention transmission

– improve screening, treatment and treatment services

World Day in Italy
In view of the World Day against Hepatitis, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità dedicated to the subject a special on his site Epicentro which, for the occasion, took advantage of the collaboration of the Italian Bureau of UNRIC, United Nations Information Office for Western Europe, with Brussels Office.

In Italy, since the late 1980s, all hepatitis, especially hepatitis B and C, have undergone a general reduction in frequency.

Thanks to the treatment access policies put in place by the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA), our country will achieve WHO's goal of reducing mortality by 65%. related to HCV in 2022 and, according to the latest badyzes conducted by the Center. The badysis (USA) is one of 12 countries positively launched towards the goal of WHO to eliminate HCV infection by 2030, provided that the number of individuals treated is high.

The day of July 28 is therefore devoted to the dissemination of information on the scientific activity to fight against hepatitis, diseases constantly studied and monitored

In this context, the ISS activated the surveillance system SEIEVA (Integrated epidemiological system of acute viral hepatitis), coordinates the Italian platform for the study of viral hepatitis ( PITER ) and It involves research and identification of circulating viral strains.

EpiCentro (ISS) / UNRIC collaboration led to the creation of a presentation text of the activities that the ISS performs on the theme of viral hepatitis, accompanied by two video messages : one of Giovanni Rezza – Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the ISS; the other by Loreta Kondili – Scientific Director of the PITER Platform, National Center for Global Health (ISS).

Ten things to know about hepatitis

July 26, 2018
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