"The paparazzi ruin his life"


Cecilia Rodriguez defends her sister Belen to the sword by the heavy pressure that every media make every day; according to the young woman, it would be especially the paparazzi who would ruin the serenity of the showgirl with their ambushes 24 hours a day under his house. The Argentine, interviewed by a weekly magazine Gossip on this unfortunate affair, used very clear words to point out the photographers who are constantly looking for "scoops" and asking them to leave Belen quiet.

Cecilia scolds: "You can not take it to the paparazzi any more, do not respect privacy"

Belen Rodriguez is definitely the favorite "victim" of our own paparazzi: since she became Famous, in fact, the showgirl was constantly in the newspapers [VIDEO] for the tormented stories of the love that he lived.

Although being engaged for two years with Andrea Iannone, Argentina does not stop being immortalized both in town and on vacation: every day, indeed, it seems under his house there are at least some photographers ] ready to capture all his movements

The great attention that gossip, in general, has towards his life, has often led the young person years to let off steam on social networks against anyone who invades his privacy: dates back to a few months ago, for example, the quarrel that the host Mediaset had in the street with paparazzi that "Stalked" looking for a scoop.

A weekly Cecilia Rodriguez what do you think of the conflictual relationship that his sister has with photographers; the answer she gave to the girl, circulates on the web for the hard and clear words that she used.

" She can not stand it any more So many times I went to talk to the paparazzi … under Belen's house, I tried to get them to leave, but they stayed there for long hours or whole days without respecting everyone's privacy "- thundered the young man on the pages of a gossip magazine

Moser, therefore, said that nothing was worth his efforts to keep photographers far away from the house of the showgirl, who seems to be suffering a lot of attention that all the media have against him by a dozen

Belen Rodriguez and the difficult relationship with photographers

After having explained what happens every day in her sister's house, Cecilia Rodriguez denounced the paparazzi saying, "I would like ] leave him alone their insistent attitudes ruin Belen's life and this is not good . I would love more humanity, I do not think asking too much. "

Argentina, therefore, made a real appeal [VIDEO] to all the photographers who stand next to the house of the head of Tu if that vales and those who follows her everywhere for the sake of her. to immortalize in all its movements: we will hear the request of the girl to give a little respite to his consanguine?

It must be said, however, that the relationship between the paparazzi of 33 years has collapsed in recent years now, since he's divorced from Stefano De Martino, South America seems to have become almost "allergic" to gossip .

If in the past Santiago's mother seemed very happy to make a career also thanks to his love of cover, recently his priority seems to have become the confidentiality .

Despite the newspapers continue to tell the various vicissitudes that happen in the sentimental life of the greatest Rodriguez, she tries to expose and tell as little as possible about his intimacy.

The great attention that she has for her, however, often led Belen to let off steam in a very harsh way that constantly photographs her: the last fight the showgirl has had with the paparazzi is the one in which she inadvertently offended her colleague Michelle Hunziker

To apologize for the discreet exit she had, Iannone's girlfriend that know that all this media pressure has created a real mental decompensation that he intends to overcome with the help of a psychologist.

This article has been verified with:

  • https://www.isaechia.it/2018/07/28/cecilia-rodriguez-difende-la-sorella-belen-vorrei-paparazzi-la-lascibadero-stare-le-stanno-rovinando-la-vita /
  • http://realityshow.blogosfere.it/post/779100/belen-cecilia-rodriguez-paparazzi

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