Internal Absorbent: He was at risk of dying at the age of 37, which is why


He almost risked the death of toxic shock syndrome. Amanda Stanley, a 37-year-old beautiful girl from Mbadachusetts, mother of two beautiful children, wanted to divulge her story. The woman at the time of changing her internal absorbent realizes that a room remains inside her body. All this after waking up with an excruciating fever and vomiting pains, first thought that it was a flu then, call me the doctor of the house and fix an appointment, once on the spot, there is made various examinations and badyzes to be discovered affected by the streptococcus – to that. it was necessary to understand the origin of the bacterium, at this time Amanda, going to the bathroom, discovered the fragment of the buffer remaining in her body

A toxic shock syndrome is caused by staphylococcal or streptococcal exotoxins. Symptoms include high fever, hypotension, generalized erythematous rash, and multi-organ dysfunction that can progress rapidly to severe and refractory shock. The diagnosis is made clinically and by isolation of the microorganism. Treatment includes antibiotics, intensive support and immunoglobulins.

The syndrome of toxic shock is caused by cocci producing exotoxins. Strain 1 Staphylococcus aureus strains treated TSS-1 toxin (TSST-1, TSS = toxic shock syndrome) or related exotoxins; certain strains of Streptococcus pyogenes produce at least 2 exotoxins

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