"No beat". But a weapon appears in the video


No blows, no racism, no rounds. Nothing at all. Only a cursed "nonsense": Giovanni Trupo and Mbadimo Riccio Saturday night launched in pursuit of Hadi Zaitumi through the streets of the Aprilia suburbs, but deny any responsibility in his death. And yet, the Moroccan, who had survived the accident of the car against a wall of Via Nettunense, ended up living just after meeting them. And from the footage of a video surveillance, it appears that one of them was armed with a firearm.

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The next day there is still a lot to clarify and everyone is struggling to say that things are different from what they seemed at first sight. They do, of course, both suspects – at the time of manslaughter – waiting for autopsy – claiming that everything written is neither in the sky nor on Earth. "We were under the house, it was one in the morning and we were about fifteen people, there were also children," said the security guards and the driver to the investigators and lawyers. The houses they are talking about are three buildings built in the early 2000s at the end of via Guardapbado, a long straight road that pbades between the fields between Pontina and Aprilia. Sorted condominiums, with half of the apartments still unsold. In front of nothingness: uncultivated fields and, in the background, a series of buildings all the same. On Saturday night, the group notices a car that "is hiding in the dark": someone's approach and this part of the rocket. "They tried to invest us, so we pursued them, but still in contact with the police." So according to their story, there is no racist motive, not even because they knew who was in the car. "There were no patrols and there were never any patrols," the two suspects repeated. Supported by the inhabitants of the buildings who, as often happens in these cases, find nothing better than to get angry with the journalists: "go, I do not know anything about the patrols and there is nothing to see". After three or four kilometers of pursuit, the Mégane and the Moroccan – and another person still wanted – crush against the wall of a two-storey house located in front of the station Campo di Carne, on Via Nettunense . . "I heard a loud noise – says the owner, Maria Mirabilio – and then I heard the voice of a woman.I did not see anyone on the ground or heard any noises from fight. "There is a video surveillance of a bar that took the stage, which starts around 1:30. We see the car hitting the wall, then another flanked by two people. The lights of the cars do not allow to see clearly what happens, but a gust of wind must have been there. The commander of the Latina carabineers, Colonel Gabriele Vitagliano, makes it clear: we are "absolutely certain that there have been no" repeated beatings ". Testimonials collected "We believe that the situation escaped from the hand and hit him with a kick or a punch or pushed him". The autopsy will give the definitive answer because for the moment it is not even ruled out – and it is the same Carabinieri to say it – that the Moroccan may have died at the following the accident. "It is very likely – summarizes Vitagliano – that killing him was a series of causes."

In the video, you can also see what happens after the accident, when the two suspects make their way to the car with which they were pursuing, a Mercedes that had in the meantime moved into the car park. bar: is this the moment a firearm can be glimpsed in the hands of the security guard of the images. It may not have anything to do with the rounds and racism is also convinced by Mayor Antonio Terra. In the last round of the elections he was elected by six civic lists and in the second round he defeated the League, which seems to be the first party in the municipal elections. And he goes to the head of the league himself. " Salvini's lyrics may feed a certain climate even though Aprilia is not the Wild West and I've never heard of patrols " . However, there are neighborhood committees that initiated a series of " neighborhood control projects: they exchange information via whatsapp and then report back to them ". And they are not patrols? "" No – repeats the mayor – also because we have been living here with migrants for some time. We are 75,000 and 10,000 are immigrants, only the Romanians are five thousand, then there are 1,800 Indians and dozens of other ethnic groups. You work side by side ". So no problem? " The climate is not the best, the social problems are far more important than five or six years ago. There are controversies about social housing that also go to immigrants. And certainly the fact that citizens pursue a car is an undoubtedly worrying fact that affects them all ".

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