The Nati project was read at the pediatric clinic of the Desio Hospital


A space dedicated to reading in the waiting room of pediatric clinics


( Monza, July 30, 2018 – Not only treat but treatment. It is following this philosophy that the ASST de Monza has launched a new project to promote health and well-being, in this case aimed at children.

A new "Presidi di Nati per leggere" was born, also thanks to the collaboration of the badociation ABIO BRIANZA for the contribution to the purchase of the equipment necessary for the realization of the project. In the waiting room of the pediatric outpatients of the Desio hospital, which welcomes users from 0 to 17 years old, a dedicated reading area has been designed. A simple but appreciated initiative. It is a corner of the nurse's box, with a panel depicting children and books with a branch on which are suspended sentences related to reading, next to two bulletin boards where parents can find indications on this experience. deepen the information of the project in the absence of dedicated staff.

In a small bookstore, the books were divided: for the youngest children of the lower part to allow them to freely choose what attracted them the most by arranging a washable mat on which they could sit , discover books and read with them. On the upper shelves, on the other hand, there are books for children and school age children that are easier to choose depending on the title or the author and who have tables and chairs available.

Information for parents in different languages ​​(Italian, Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, French, English, Romanian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Russian and German), with which families receive information on the subject. the importance of reading and the possibility of finding books in their own language for their children

"It is now customary to see that for parents, the most immediate method for entertaining their children during their visits is to use their smartphone, and rarely use home books or games in the waiting room – explains Tiziana Varisco, acting director of the complex structure of pediatrics and neonatology – We thought that offering a distraction alternative could be a good way of health education and we made contact with the badociation Nati per Leggere whose program is full of ideas and my information material. The scientific literature has shown how the shared reading offered continuously from the first year of life to preschool children can have a profound influence on relational and cognitive dimensions and increase interest in reading. Our wish is to be able to involve and motivate medical and nursing staff in the use of books to distract children during visits, by also making parents aware of their use at home. Promoting reading in the family as well as stimulating the child, intensifies the relationship between parents and children. "

" The intention of this initiative – says the general director of the ASST Monza Matteo Stocco – is to expand the reading experience to promote the well-being and development of children . Many researches have shown that children who regularly read a book since the first year of life have greater language development and show less difficulty in later learning of reading compared to peers who can not enjoy this opportunity. With a simple advice given to parents, that is to say by reading a book with the child in the hospital, it can increase the cognitive stimulation of the child, which is more effective when it is connected to emotional experiences. "

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