Goodbye to Sofia: on Facebook he talked about his fight against cancer


ROMA – He dreamed of being a dancer. But at the age of 15 Sofia did not do it: she told her story on the web through a blog
an osteosarcoma had destroyed that dream, the replacing by a daily struggle to survive. Sofia Calliope Zilio 26 years old, July 9, Padua, despite her young age, but she does not let herself be overthrown by fear and fatigue of a battle greater than her.And this cruel illness, he had conquered her.At until a year ago.When a cancer recurrence attacked her again but to the lungs And this time, the best, he had the disease

"Hi Sofia, you sang to help sick children, but unfortunately no one could help … Keep singing now that you're free. .. "the announcement of the death of the girl, published on July 30 on page Facebook of Team For Children an badociation of blessings

In addition to singing for sick children from the pediatric oncology department, Sofia decided to share her experience on the web: so, especially in the last six months, thousands of followers connected to his blog to follow his diary step by step on this terrible disease. He called it "Bath of Light", a world full of positive thoughts to face the monster "Morpheus".

"I decided to start writing this page after regressing a sad situation in terms of health – writes Sofia – I wanted on the web a convenient and fast support from another user but that does not it's not produced.

  Goodbye to Sofia: on Facebook he had told his fight against cancer

In the last post that appears on Facebook, on July 5, Sofia apologized for being a little "Absent": "I did not always want to write bad news … they broke the bad news."

Many posts published by virtual friends from Sofia for remembrance. The funeral of the girl will take place on Thursday, August 2 at 9:30 am at the church of Pontevigodarzere (Padua) where funds will be collected for the Madagascar Foundation to which Sofia was very close


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