Terlizzi, violent brawl between North Africans. Chaos in the center, justicier's wound


A violent fight in about ten North Africans panic in the center of Terlizzi, in Apulia. "I would like to thank the women and men of the local police, the carabinieri, the security guards and the help of the 118 who, tonight, intervened immediately to quell a violent brawl between migrants and reinstate the police. order in the center of Terlizzi, "said Mayor Gemmic Ninni.

The fight took place today between Piazza IV Novembre and Via Nicola Quercia. A guard who tried to restore order was injured. "The timely intervention of the police prevented that what happened did not have much more dramatic consequences than they have ever been." I wish a speedy recovery to Laura, victim of the badault. the work of the investigators will help clarify the responsibilities of what happened today, "said the mayor.He added:" Do not forget that the feeling of acceptance Terlizzi and Terlizzesi have always been exemplary. However, we will not allow anyone to confuse solidarity with tolerance to incivility or, worse, violence. attitudes and behaviors that could undermine the peaceful coexistence that each community deserves. "

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