"At my wedding, I realized that there were signs that my father was there with me"


Emanuela Folliero calls herself very true and barely managed to retain the joy and emotion of talking about his marriage with Giuseppe Oricci.

After 9 years of engagement, they were married last September. Emanuela confesses that she found true love in Giuseppe Oricci and the day of the wedding was the most beautiful of his life. Despite the absence of a person who is dear to him: dad. Dead some time ago, it was very painful not to have it with her.

"But I'm convinced that he was there with me – he says Silvia Toffanin -. Now, I will tell you two things. The first, just before the matrimoio, I met an old lady in the street and I gave 10 euros. Then I took two steps, I felt sorry and I came back but she was gone. Before leaving, he took my hand and said, "Jesus is with you." It is not possible that she left so quickly. "

Emanuela Folliero he has no doubts and sees his father in these signs. But that does not stop there. La Folliero is convinced that her father has shown herself to her otherwise. "Shortly before the wedding, I went to get a watch that I had not used for 10 years, it was still a day and the figure where I got married – continues Folliero – These are all signs, like hearts on the ground, the father was there with me ".

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