Nearly 13,000 new cases each year in Italy, total stomach cancer (60%) and heart junction (40%). A figure that makes it the eighth among the most common cancers in men and the sixth among women, with a total prevalence of about 5% of all tumors. And a variability in territorial incidence: high in the north, 34 new cases per 100,000 population for men and 17 for women; higher at the Center with rates higher by 10% for men and 22% for women; on the other hand, it is less important in the south (25 cases per 10,000 inhabitants for men and 13 for women). Strong implications of the disease, often diagnosed at an advanced stage due to the lack of targeted screening, nonspecific symptomatology, having a significant impact on the quality of life (in particular the difficulties of feeding) and on survival, estimated at about 32% five years after diagnosis.
These are figures that, together with the sustainability of care, the critical aspects of nutritional services, the need to develop oncology networks, especially in the southern regions, are at the heart of the congress "Vivere senza Stomaco (yes)" in course in Naples.
In a disturbing picture, some positive data are: gradual progressive reduction of cases of disease, about 3% per year for both bades for stomach cancer (but not for cardias), thanks to better conservation and quality food (less consumption of foods based on salt or vinegar, smoked and increased fresh fruits and vegetables). Nutrition, badociated with overweight and obesity, is in fact the first factor that "feeds" the development of the disease, with chronic diseases. Helicobacter and any previous gastric surgery.
"Access to cancer networks and PDTAs" says Claudia Santangelo, President of the Association – "vitally important" for us to be accompanied on the path of care: from the moment of information at diagnosis, at the choice of the center to be entrusted to the postoperative The network must be active, present and effective throughout the country, from the north to the south of the country Unfortunately, they are still a reality for the leopard, sometimes nonexistent at the regional level , sometimes "incomplete" in the service offering little attention to the needs of the patient ". Santangelo gives the example of nutritional supplements, essential in stomach cancer patients to compensate for eating difficulties, and consequently to possible nutritional deficiencies, but not standardized in all diagnostic therapies -thérapeutiques-regional.
The aim of this year's conference "is to highlight the strengths, the critical points, the effectiveness and the existence of oncological networks – explains Santangelo – so that every cancer patient can find on the territory and close to his home, at least one center of excellence capable of giving concrete and effective responses to the type of disease, confronted according to a multidisciplinary approach, or by a structured team comprising an oncologist, a surgeon, a pathologist and any other professional personality involved, and guarantor of the uniformity of the therapeutic protocols ".
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