Franco Battiato reappears on social networks: newfound health?


A table set, a glbad of white wine, bread and two men sitting side by side. One is the songwriter cataan Luca Madonia. The other Franco Battiato. Who will reappear on social networks after months of anxiety and concern for his health, in a photo posted on Facebook by the former guitarist Denovo.

Fear and return

Between late July and early August, Roberto Ferri had alerted the fans of the master Catania after the long absence of cards and the social post of the friend of Battiato. In particular, a poem and a comment later removed (Ode to the friend who was and who does not recognize me anymore) had fueled the mystery about the actual psychophysical conditions of the artist. And prompted the family to point out that Battiato had been weakened in his body by fractures to the pelvis and femur, but that no one had ever been diagnosed as suffering from Alzheimer's disease or senile dementia. that the author of White flag and The cureafter a difficult year, recovering slowly: he took the floor again and also took up painting in his villa in Milo. Now the photo of Madonia, her sweet look on her friend Franco. And fans who do not waste time: Welcome Master.

November 7, 2018 (change November 7, 2018 |


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