A 5-year-old girl with meningitis: prophylaxis in kindergarten


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A five-year-old girl from Chiari, suffering from meningitis, was transported to the civilian hospital last Friday. It is found in pediatric resuscitation and its conditions are stable. The child attends the school of childhood "Mazzotti-Bergomi" of Chiari

Communication that the child had been struck by an infectious disease, and so that it was a necessary prophylaxis for the people who She arrived at school yesterday afternoon by the Brescia Health Protection Agency

. For the child, timely treatment has helped to overcome the critical phase and to watch with confidence the evolution of the situation. situation. Meanwhile, all the people who were in close contact with the little one – the family members, but also the little clbadmates of the kindergarten and the teachers – were subjected to antibiotic prophylaxis by ATS.

Although, as specified by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, "patients with meningitis or other severe forms are considered contagious for approximately 24 hours from the beginning of the year. However, the secondary cases are rare. "

Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes (the meninges) that encompbades the brain and spinal cord. infectious origin and may be viral, bacterial.The form that hit the small patient hospitalized is bacterial, the rarest and most serious but if the diagnosis is early, followed by adequate therapy, the chances of posthumous healing are very high 19659003] In Lombardy, in addition to the ten mandatory vaccinations by law, anti-aging vaccines B and C are offered free of charge from those born in 2017 [19659007] Read here the GdB booth today [19659009] Subscribe to "News in 5 minutes" to receive a daily selection of the main news

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