A case of Dengue, disinfestation is triggered – Chronicle


Florence, July 3, 2018 – A case of Dengue was reported to Florence . The report arrived this morning at Ausl (public hygiene and nutrition): The dengue fever was contracted in a tropical country by a citizen living in Florence in 19459004 District 4 .

Prevention personnel carried out the inspection to check the area where the patient remained, on which to ask the municipal administration the execution of an urgent disinfestation .

Dengue fever is a flu-like illness caused by a virus found in tropical and subtropical countries; it is transmitted by the puncture of certain types of mosquitoes (genus aedes) and there is no direct transmission from person to person . Even for the reported case, there is no risk of transmission or contagion.

However, because among the mosquitoes that can transmit the disease, there is also the tiger mosquito (Aedes Albopictus). years is very widespread in our territory, the city of Florence, to protect public health and extreme precaution as also provided by the ministerial indications, it was activated to organize disinfestation treatments to reduce density mosquitoes in the places surrounding the case of residence . The park of Villa Vogel is included in the area to be treated and must be closed to the public on Wednesday, July 4 . [ad_2]
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