a couple gives up after only three days (RUMORS)


The shooting of was officially completed [TemptationIsland 2018 the reality show directed by Filippo Bisciglia to be broadcast from 9 July on Cbade 5 in prime time. After 21 days begins a new phase, that of the hunt for reports and observations of couples, to understand who are still together and those who said goodbye. Of course, one of the couples has already left the program at the first episode [VIDEO] as revealed Maria De Filippi guest of Radio Deejay.

A couple gives up after the first episode [19659005] After 21 days of stay in the village of temptation, the shooting is over and just wait for the episode of July 9 to find out which couple has left Sardinia after only a few days of stay.

The indiscretion was given by the same Maria De Filippi, producer of Temptation Island who, hosting Radio Deejay, revealed that one of the fiancés was calling for a definitive campfire after only three days of permanence in the village of temptations, and that we will see during the first episode. For many, the first couple to abandon the island of temptation could be that of Giada and Francesco but nothing has been confirmed and fans continue the reports and observations of the protagonists to the search for some adventure clues

Ida in tears for Riccardo, Gemma arrives

The first couple to abandon the island of temptation is not the one formed by Ida and Riccardo [VIDEO] the two small known friends in the throne Over of Men and Women. In recent days, indeed, on the pages of the weekly "Chi" we saw Ida in tears reached by her friend Gemma Galgani arrived in Sardinia to console the Riccardo's girlfriend in a delicate moment of the road.

It is not known if Richard fell into temptation, of course, that is, that the desperate cry of his girlfriend does not bode well.

Who followed their path to Men and Women knows perfectly well that their presence has always been turbulent and that Ida declares herself in love with Riccardo, to such an extent that she decided he only a few months ago to let the transmission of Maria De Filippi to the knight of Taranto, to live their relationship on a daily basis. The adventure of Temptation Island is the occasion for the lady of Brescia to understand if Riccardo is the man of his life, but the images published by the weekly D & B Alfonso Signorini worry the fans of the couple. 19659011] The ingredients for an edition of The Island of Temptation are all that one has to wait until July 9 to discover who will be the first couple to leave reality . :

  • https://www.sorrisi.com/tv/reality-e-talent/temptation-island-2018-le-anticipazioni-una-coppia-abbandona-subito-il-programma/
  • https: // www.novella2000.it/temptation-island-2018-anticipazioni-coppie-tentatori/

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